Inspiring stories, short stories, religious stories, christmast stories ....

Sunday, June 3, 2007

A Smile Can Go A Long Way

By Vivian Amis

About ten years ago I was stuck in an abusive relationship. The relationship lasted 10 years and during that time all me thoughts were negative and circled around how I was going to get out of that relationship alive and WITH my children. I was unable to step out of fighting the appearance. The negativity had pulled me so far away from the truth that I was blind toward anything good.

Then one day I went to the bank. I was standing in line and as usual I was totally caught up in my thoughts about survival. I suddenly had the feeling that someone was watching me. I looked up and saw a man with his son standing in line in front of me. The man and the child were looking at me, then looking at each other and looking at me again. Both of them had a light around them that I had never seen before, they did not say a word, but smiled. I don't recall but I probably did not smile back, I was too stunned. I forgot every thing around me: my life, the bank and all happenings. As soon as I was done with my transaction at the bank I ran out side to see where they were heading. But they were gone. But the smile was deep imbedded into my soul. I found the strength to leave the relationship and start a new life. For me those two " visitors" were angels. Reminding me that God IS all the time, everywhere.

When I think back at this beautiful experience that helped me to change my life I feel blessed for all it took was a smile and I have plenty of them now to give away.

An old saying goes: If you don't have something positive to say...don't say any thing at all. I would like to rephrase that saying to: If you don't have something positive to say at least smile. The truth is not what is said in words, but the words unsaid in a smile.


Vivian Amis is a Tampa based Spiritual Healer and Teacher of Spiritual Consciousness. She is the author of "The Essentials of Life" and offers Classes, consultations and a product line: "Inspired by Spirit". Call (813)784-0371 or visit

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