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Thursday, June 7, 2007

David And Goliath (How Could The Mighty Fall?)

By Oliver Mbamara

When he woke up on that fateful morning, little did Goliath, the dreaded giant, know that his era of oppression, dominance, intimidation and torment of the Israelites, could be ended by the little unknown David. As it were, there was no threat to the reign of Goliath.

With an air of pride, arrogance, and over-confidence in his strength, size, prowess, and an impressive record of triumphs, Goliath casually stepped into the arena. From the opposite direction, with nothing to show but his courage, determination, faith, and the will to survive, David cautiously drew near. Goliath had a prestige and an authority to protect. David had nothing to lose.

In anxiety, the people of Israel watched with feeble hope, while the Philistines were already celebrating another Goliath victory before the contest would even begin. That had been the trend for sometime. However, what happened next was to be enshrined in the annals of indelible history as far as ego, pride, intimidation, arrogance, courage, victory, defeats, and upsets were concerned.

The little unknown David had caught the mighty and dreaded Goliath off-guard. One fling of the stone from David's catapult, and the giant Goliath came crashing down like a falling Iroko-tree, defeated and humbled.

That was in those days, but history has a way of repeating itself. Perhaps, those of us, who think we are too big and too strong to fall or to be defeated, might have to ask if we too big or too strong, after all. Many of us who are seen as small and weak could achieve much with courage, faith, hard work, and determination. Some of those who wield the rod of power are very fair and cautious in using it. They would not force the little ones to a corner where the little ones would have no choice than to revolt and fight for survival, just as some of those who are weak or little would not intentionally provoke or push the patience of the big or powerful.

This has been the case among individuals, as well as entities, organizations, groups, nations, and authorities. The law of life applies the same across the board. This is only my understanding, and I am still learning

The Mighty Fallen

Whether it be about how to rule,
Or the running of a gainful venture;
Whether it be in the exercise of power,
Or the expressing of individual freedom,

The time comes when we are faced
With the choice to be fair and kind,
Or to flaunt our prowess and strength
Against competing neighbors and all.

But therein also lies the test,
To be selfish and lust for power,
Eager to pounce on little ones,
Or to be kind and fair to them.

And if our choice is ruled by vanity,
We invite the chance to be humbled,
For pride indeed goes before a fall,
And the humble one is rather exalted.

And if our pride has hung us high,
So loud and painful will be the fall,
When we fall from grace to grass,
Humbled by life's own teaching hand.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Oliver Mbamara is an Administrative Law Judge with the State of New York. He is also a filmmaker and a Published Poet and playwright. For more on Oliver, please visit

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