Inspiring stories, short stories, religious stories, christmast stories ....

Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Magic of Your Beliefs

By Nick Arandes

I'd like to share with you an inspiring true story. I had been wanting to move to Los Angeles, CA for the last several years. When I finally made the decision back in 1992, I had a few opportunities but every time I pursued them something would happen that would not allow me to leave. Back then I was in the process of writing my first manuscript of a book. In December, 1992 and January 1993, my book was in the early stages of editing. Even when my financial situation was really challenging, I was always able to keep working on it.

I did not have a computer or a type writer. I was doing everything on pen and paper. In February a friend of mine asked me if I was interested in renting an apartment in Los Angeles. (Is that not what I wanted?) I accepted and paid to hold it for two months. Unfortunately, I could not keep paying the rent because financially I hit bottom. (Resistance) I was broke. I even considered filing for bankruptcy.

I never gave up the idea of moving to Los Angeles. I simply understood that there must be a reason why my dream could not be manifested at that time. (Surrender) That same month, I went to a local comedy club in Miami, Florida. After my performance, the entertainment coordinator for a major cruise line saw me and asked me to call him at his office the next day. Working for the cruise line, they not only took care of all my travel expenses but I was generating between $800 to $1,400 a week in income.

Around July of that same year, my grandmother in Puerto Rico became very ill. Because the cruise line had ships in Puerto Rico, they would fly me back and forth between Miami and Puerto Rico so that I could visit my grandmother. Most of the time I would stay in Puerto Rico where I would join a ship for a couple of days and they would fly me back.
In October, my grandmother passed away and I had to take care of the funeral arrangements. Because I am an only child and my mother had died five years prior to my grandmother, all of a sudden I was overwhelmed with many responsibilities. Thanks to the cruise line, I could still make money while I was taking care of things at home in Puerto Rico.

That same month I got a call from a production company in West Palm Beach, Florida telling me that 20th Century Fox was interested in me for a television pilot. 20th Century Fox put me on a holding deal for $30,000. If I had moved to Los Angeles when I wanted to, it would have been difficult for me to handle the financial responsibilities that came my way.

As you can see, everything in life follows a perfect order. God wants the best for us. The Universe knew all the challenges I was going to face that particular year. But my dream was never denied. Besides, how could it possible be denied when it is not really me dream. It is God's dream. I am just the channel, just as you are, through which desires are transmuted into physical experience. All that was required from me at that moment was to move in the direction of my dream. So what is your dream? Do not concern yourself with details regarding how to make it happen because that is none of your business. Notice how the Universe made my dream come true in a way that I was not even expecting. Not only did I end up moving to California, but I moved with plenty of money in my pocket, a development deal and a manuscript.

Before closing I want you to be aware that when I mentioned earlier in the chapter that I was broke, I could have easily said poor. The reason I chose the word broke as opposed to poor, is because a person who is broke understands that he or she can figure out a way to generate income. On the other hand, someone who is poor has made a decision to remain that way. Poverty has nothing to do with economy or circumstances, it is a state of mind. Believe it or not, it is a personal decision. So be aware of how you talk to yourself.

In January of 1993 I was completely broke financially, ready to file bankruptcy. I had no work lined up, but by the end of that year I had made an annual income of $44.000. I traveled all over the Caribbean with all expenses paid, I got to stay in Puerto Rico with my grandmother, I ended up with a $30,000 development deal with 20th Century Fox and relocated to Los Angeles, California. That's the MAGIC of your beliefs!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Nick Arandes has written many articles. Some have been published in spiritual publications as well as online. His book on tape, All Your Dreams Are Meant To Be Fulfilled, has been endorsed by Dr. Deepak Chopra, Louise L. Hay and John and Jan Randolph Price just to name a few. His website is:

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