Inspiring stories, short stories, religious stories, christmast stories ....

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Persaingan Ayam Jantan

Di suatu peternakan ayam, didatangkan seekor ayam jago muda untuk
menggantikan ayam jago tua. Ayam pejantan tua yang ada sebenarnya
masih diandalkan, tetapi ayam pejantan muda itu dibeli untuk
regenerasi. Tentu saja pejantan tua ini tersinggung,

dan tidak mau begitu saja digeser. Maka dia menantang pejantan muda
untuk membuktikan siapa yang paling kuat dan hebat, dengan cara
berlari sepuluh kali memutari pagar halaman peternakan.

Ayam jago muda yang merasa bangga dengan statusnya, berpikir dengan
sombongnya bahwa dia dapat dengan mudah dapat mengalahkan ayam jago
tua. Bahkan dia berkata,

"Oke pak tua, kita bertanding! Bapak boleh berlari setengah putaran
lebih dahulu."

Wah, si pejantan muda ngasih "voor" ke yang tua. Maka mereka mulai
bertanding. Diiringi sorak-sorai ayam-ayam betina. Putaran ke satu,
jelas si Tua masih di depan. Putaran ke dua, mulai sedikit terkejar.
Putaran ke-empat, jaraknya makin kecil. Putaran ke lima si Muda sudah
tepat dibelakang si Tua. Sehingga kelihatannya mereka saling

Peternak ayam yang mendengar ribut-ribut di peternakannya, keluar
membawa senapan, menduga mungkin ada maling atau binatang lain yang
mengganggu. Dia melihat balapan lari antar pejantan tersebut, dan
akhirnya dia mengangkat senapannya dan menembak mati pejantan muda.
Peternak pulang ke rumah sambil menggerutu,

" Sialan, tiga kali beli pejantan muda, semuanya banci."[fan]

Kain Penutup Muka Dokter

Seorang instruktur medis pada sebuah rumah sakit sedang memberikan
kuliah pada sekelompok gadis-gadis calon perawat.
"Mengapa dokter yang sedang melakukan operasi selalu memakai kain
penutup muka ?" tanya sang instrukur kepada mereka.
Salah seorang diantara mereka menjawab,
"Supaya bila dokter bedah melakukan kesalahan yang fatal, pasiennya
tidak dapat mengenalinya."

Biar Gampang Muntah

Suatu hari Heri naik bis, saat itu Heri melihat seorang nenek tampak
kepingin muntah. Lalu Heri bertanya pada nenek tersebut.
Heri: "Kenapa nek, nenek mual ya?"
Nenek: "Iya nak..."
Heri lalu membiarkan nenek tersebut. Lalu nenek itu bertanya:
Nenek: "Nak boleh lihat mukanya sebentar?"
Heri: "Boleh nek, tapi kenapa?"
Nenek: "Biar muntahnya gampang..."
Heri: "$#^&%%&&^$%^?..."

Cari Makan Sendiri

Ada seorang peternak sapi yang cukup berhasil dan punya beratus-ratus ekor sapi.
Pada suatu hari datanglah seorang petugas peternakan yang menyamar dan
bertanya "Setiap hari sapi-sapi ini bapak beri makan apa?".
Peternak "Oh saya beri makan rumput-rumput saja",
"Kalo begitu bapak saya denda karena telah memberi makan sapi-sapi ini
secara tidak layak" kata si petugas. "Bapak saya denda 2 juta".
Akhirnya selang beberapa hari kemudian petugas tadi datang kembali dan
menanyakan hal yang sama kepada si peternak.
"Bapak beri makan apa sapi-sapi ini.??" kata si petugas .
Si peternak menjawab "Saya beri makan keju, hamburger, & susu"
"Kalo begitu bapak saya denda 3 juta rupiah karena memberi makan
diluar batas sewajarnya...!!" kata si petugas.
Akhirnya seminggu kemudian datang lagi si petugas menayakan hal sama
kepada si peternak.
"Bapak beri makan apa sapi-sapi ini..??" tanya si petugas.
Akhirnya karena takut di denda lagi si peternak menjawab,
"Begini pak setiap hari semua sapi-sapi ini saya beri uang
masing-masing tiga ribu rupiah, terserah mereka mau makan dimana...!".

Membeli Paku dengan Kesal

Seorang anak hendak membeli paku di kios depan rumahnya. Sesampainya
di sana ia bertanya kepada bapak pemilik kios :
Anak : Pak mau beli pakunya sekilo
Bapak : Oh, iya dek. Dibungkus ya..?
Anak : (dengan kesal) Gak..... makan di sini!!!!

Penyakit yang Sering Dialami Oleh Cewek

Akibat terlalu sensitif. Gejalanya bibir cemberut,mata kedip-kedip.
Efek sampingnya mata bengkak, saputangan banjir, hidung meler,
bawaannya ngurung diri atau terkena penyakit Curhatitis A. Penyakit
ini bisa diobati dengan obat Tegaridol, OBH (Obat Berhati Hamba).

Curhatitis B
Bawaanya pengen nyerocos, Efek samping rahasia orang bisa bocor,
terkena Nangisuitis,Penyakit ini bisa diarahkan positif jika ia
bercuhatitisnya ke orang yang tepat, apalagi sama Tuhan.

Shoping Syndrome
Gejalanya pengen jalan mulu, mata melotot,
Efek sampingnya lidah ngiler, mulut nganga, dompet jadi tipis. Jika
sudah masuk stadium 4(parah banget) dompet cowoknya ikut tipis. Coba
minum hematcold atau tablet PD (Pengendalian Diri).

Lebih parah dari Curhatitis B, tidak mengandung titik koma.
Efek samping muncrat, telinga tetangga budek, dada cowoknya bisa jadi
lebih halus karena sering mengelus. Lebih cepat makan pil dengar dan
minum tablet bicara lebih diperlambat.

Lamanian Dandanitos
Pengennya diem depan cermin. Tangan kiri gatel-gatel pengen pegang
sisir, tangan kanan kram-kram pengen teplok-teplok pipi pake bedak.
Efek samping: menor, telat, cowoknya berkarat, gak kebagean makanan.
Minum segera Sari Bawak (Bagi Waktu) dan Taperi (tambah percaya diri).
Buat cowok minum Toleransikipil 230 sendok sehari sesudah dan sebelum

Gejala muka lonjong, tangan mengepal, ali menukik. Coba cegah dengan
obat sirup prasangka baik tiga sendok sehari, Pil pengertian dan
tablet selidiki dahulu.

Gejala hampir sama dengan Cemburubotomy. Minum Sabaron dan Bersyukurinis

Perangkap Raja

Ada suatu kerajaan dimana rajanya sangat protektif terhadap
permaisurinya. Setiap akhir bulan ia melakukan penyelidikan terhadap
pengawal-pengawal ratu, siapa-siapa saja kira-kira yang pernah 'main'
dengan sang permaisuri. Caranya yaitu dengan meletakkan perangkap di
dalam alat kelamin sang ratu. Jadi kalau ada yang 'masuk' ke dalam,
perangkap ini akan menutup dn memotong apapun yang masuk ke dalam.

Pada akhir bulan, pengawal-pengawal ratu dipanggil oleh raja. Pengawal
yang pertama disuruh membuka celananya dan ternyata anunya sudah
terpotong. Akhirnya si pengawal dihukum mati oleh raja. Begitupula
dengan pengawal yang kedua, ketika disuruh membuka celana ternyata
anunya sudah terpotong juga. Ia dihukum mati pula oleh sang raja.

Akhirnya tiba giliran pengawal yang ketiga untuk diperiksa. Seperti
halnya kedua pengawal tadi, ia pun disuruh membuka celananya dan
ternyata setelah diepiksa anunya masih utuh. Raja pun senang. Ia
berkata pada sang pengawal, "Nah ini baru pengawal saya yang baik,
setia sama saya. Oleh karena itu kamu sekarang saya kasih hadiah".

"Teeliimaa Kaasiii, Laajaa!" Ujar sang pengawal.


Wanita seperti apakah yang umumnya didambakan oleh laki2?
Tak lain dan tak bukan adalah wanita tipe BITCH, yaitu
B eautiful
I ntelligent
T alented
C apable
H ot

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Pastor, saya mengaku dosa. Saya telah mencuri seekor ayam milik orang lain,"ucap Yakub kepada pastor.
"Wah tindakanmu itu salah besar."
"Maukah pastor menerima ayam itu?"
"Tentu saja tidak! Kamu harus mengembalikannya kepada pemiliknya."
"Tapi, pemiliknya menolak utnuk menerima kembali ayam itu, pastor."
"Oh, kalau begitu, ambillah ayam itu untukmu."
"Terima kasih, pastor."
Ketika pastor itu pulang kerumah, ia melihat jumlah ayam di kandangnya sudah berkurang. Salah seekor di antara ayam itu telah hilang.

Sumber: Setetes embun bagi jiwa, Timotius Adi Tan (Metanoia Publishing)

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The Shoe Lady

By Melinda Neeley

    One cold and dreary day, after having been held hostage indoors by the grip of winter, I decided to break loose from the prison of inclement weather and hit a shoe sale. I had grown weary of the preceding weeks of sun deprivation and needed something that would break the monotony of my life – something that would lift my spirits.

Shortly after I arrived at the shoe store, I carefully selected my two pairs of shoes for the "Buy One Pair, Get the Other Pair Half Price" deal and was ready to purchase. As I moved my way up to the checkout counter, a middle-aged woman carrying at least six boxes of shoes whisked past me, cut in line and advanced directly to the cashier. An exhausted looking young woman and a bubbly toddler, unmistakably the woman's daughter and grandson, stood by her side. 

I was already furious that the woman had cut line, when suddenly she fueled my anger even more as she began spewing out questions to the cashier like a volcano erupting with red-hot lava. She demanded details about every pair of shoes she had selected. 

"So, if I buy this pair, I can get these other ones half off?" the agitated shoe lady bellowed.
The cashier shook her head no.
"Oh, I guess it's always the cheaper pair that you get half off," the shoe lady said, thinking out loud in an intimidating voice that echoed throughout the store. 

As the cashier attempted to respond again, the anxious shoe lady began shouting an order to her daughter: "Stephanie, run get your baby another pair of shoes. Lord knows he needs all the shoes he can get!"

The dimply youngster, probably not much older than a year, immediately darted after his mother, wide-eyed and full curiosity. He playfully yanked at all of the boxes along the shelves as he wobbled down the aisle, amazed at this magical playhouse filled with colorful adornments for the feet. 

"Boo-Boo," the grandmother screamed at the toddler viciously, "if you don't get back here, I'll shoot you!" It was a shocking, bizarre statement that was full of contradiction. In one breath, she was calling her grandson by a pet name, and in the other she was threatening to shoot him. Everyone in the store was stunned by the gruesome comment. We all stood amidst the pin-drop silence and stared, wondering what histrionics might be next. 
Stephanie soon came back and handed her mother another pair of shoes. After balancing them on her stack, the boisterous shoe lady then asked the cashier, "Got any more of these in another color?" pointing to one of her boxes near the top of the stack.

"No," the cashier said, noticeably irritated by this time. "Only in black."
At this point, the shoe lady turned to me and said, "So sorry to keep you waiting sugar," and immediately went to other shelves to find more bargains to add to her toppling stack of boxes. The stack now resembled the Leaning Tower of Piza.

At that instant, I realized there had been complete sincerity in this woman's voice. She seemed truly sorry to hold me up, but her "impulsiveness" was creating this urgent need to grab up as many bargains as she could for her daughter, her grandson and perhaps herself. The adrenaline from it all had become so overpowering that it had taken over her actions, and caused her to blurt out ugly comments to her grandbaby that she absolutely didn't mean. She couldn't restrain herself. It was filling her with a combination of excitement, impulsiveness and compulsive behavior. 

She was overflowing with more questions for the cashier, and continued adding to her stack for at least 10 more minutes. Strangely, my anger towards her began to subside and transform into understanding and compassion. Although she "appeared" selfish, hasty and mean as she bellowed orders and kept customers waiting, her motives, I realized, were good.

I decided to entertain myself by looking at the purses near the checkout counter until the woman was finished with her mission.
When the shoe lady was finally certain she had gotten all of the bargains she could possibly afford, and had created a mountainous potpourri of shoes for her loved ones, she grabbed up her sacks of treasures and politely said to the cashier, "Thank you so much darlin'." 

Instantly, her stormy behavior transformed into calming seas of relief – every muscle in her face became relaxed; her breathing and erratic movements slowed. The impulsiveness had lost its grip on her body and spirit, and her mission was complete. The sweetness in her tone had flavored her speech so that the bitterness was gone. I knew she was truly sorry for holding everyone up.

I had a revelation that day. People aren't always what they seem. Sometimes those who exhibit a snappy, angry and inconsiderate spirit are simply so wound up by impulse, compulsiveness and stress that it's hard for them to restrain from their bad behavior. Does this mean we should always forgive and forget? I'm not sure. I do know that there are people who are mean down to the core and who know exactly what they are doing when ugliness pours forth from their mouths.

But every single one of us has God in them. Sometimes it is seems almost impossible to find Him, but He is there. Always. I also realized that day that there are also people who don't even know God is inside of them. They just have to be able to recognize Him in others first. That is when they are able to discover the God who lives within their soul. This woman had God in her "sole."

Monday, July 2, 2007

Friends are God's way of taking care of us

- By an Anonymous Metro Denver Hospice Physician

    I just had one of the most amazing experiences of my life, and wanted to share it with my family and dearest friends. 

I was driving home from a meeting this evening about 5, stuck in traffic on Colorado Blvd., and the car started to choke and splutter and die - I barely managed to coast, cursing, into a gas station, glad only that I would not be blocking traffic and would have a somewhat warm spot to wait for the tow truck. It wouldn't even turn over. Before I could make the call, I saw a woman walking out of the "quickie mart" building, and it looked like she slipped on some ice and fell into a Gas pump, so I got out to see if she was okay. 

When I got there, it looked more like she had been overcome by sobs than that she had fallen; she was a young woman who looked really haggard with dark circles under her eyes. She dropped something as I helped her up, and I picked it up to give it to her. It was a nickel. 

At that moment, everything came into focus for me: the crying woman, the ancient Suburban crammed full of stuff with 3 kids in the back (1 in a car seat), and the gas pump reading $4.95. 

I asked her if she was okay and if she needed help, and she just kept saying " don't want my kids to see me crying," so we stood on the other side of the pump from her car. She said she was driving to California and that things were very hard for her right now. So I asked, "And you were praying?" That made her back away from me a little, but I assured her I was not a crazy person and said, "He heard you, and He sent me." 

I took out my card and swiped it through the card reader on the pump so she could fill up her car completely, and while it was fueling, walked to the next door McDonald's and bought 2 big bags of food, some gift certificates for more, and a big cup of coffee. She gave the food to the kids in the Car, who attacked it like wolves, and we stood by the pump eating fries and talking a little. 

She told me her name, and that she lived in Kansas City . Her boyfriend left 2 months ago and she had not been able to make ends meet. She knew she wouldn't have money to pay rent Jan 1, and finally in desperation had finally called her parents, with whom she had not spoken in about 5 years. They lived in California and said she could come live with them and try to get on her feet there. 

So she packed up everything she owned in the car. She told the kids they were going to California for Christmas, but not that they were going to live there. 

I gave her my gloves, a little hug and said a quick prayer with her for safety on the road. As I was walking over to my car, she said, "So, are you like an angel or something?" 

This definitely made me cry. I said, "Sweetie, at this time of year angels are really busy, so sometimes God uses regular people." 

It was so incredible to be a part of someone else's miracle. And of course, you guessed it, when I got in my car it started right away and got me home with no problem. I'll put it in the shop tomorrow to check, but I suspect the mechanic won't find anything wrong. 

Sometimes the angels fly close enough to you that you can hear the flutter of their wings... 

Psalms 55:22 "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee. He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved." 

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Full Moon

By Yogesh Goel

As I sat on the park bench enjoying the cool night air and gazing at the people who were taking a break from the rest of the world, two young lovers passed me by. And I overheard the woman say, "Honey, why can't the moon always be this full and beautiful as it is tonight?"

He replied, "I don't know dear, but I am glad we were blessed enough to see another one together." And that made me, well at first shed a tear at their exchanged words, but then it made me ask myself, "Why doesn't it?"

Then, of course, knowing me, I thought and thought some more. Then I concluded, how can we ask the moon to constantly shine so beautiful night after night if we as humans can not find it in ourselves to do the same? Why can't we find what it takes to remain illuminating creatures when we bear witness time after time of the glorious dreams we have shown to be so capable of.

Why do we so often blow out our candles and let the darkness escape to cover up a portion of our glow? Do we cycle through our emotions the same as the moon? Or why can't we consistently find the peace and love that I can so clearly recognize in this young couple: the way they grip each others hand as if they never want to let go, the way they walk so slowly in rhythm with one another as if their heartbeats our setting the pace, and the way they stare at each other as if they have found the gateway to the soul in each other's eyes.

Then I think again: maybe we "can" control the moon's luster; it's wholeness. Just maybe if we can find it in our hearts ourselves to shine with such a radiance, then maybe, overtime will we begin to notice as we look towards heaven on a clear night that we shall see the moon as full and as bright as we ourselves choose to be. Maybe we only deserve to see this brilliance so often. And maybe only when enough people can accumulate over a cycle enough love, peace, and goodwill towards one another shall the moon dazzle us in all her beauty.

So now whenever I think the moon is going through her cycle again, I will tell myself, "No... She is waiting on us to go through ours."

Qualifications :
• Pursuing Bachelor of Commerce (Hons.), Calcutta University. (July 2002 - Till Date)
• Intermediate in Commerce (ISC) from Don Bosco School Liluah, India. (April 2000 – March 2002)

Computer Literacy :
• Microsoft Office – Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher.
• Image Editing / Graphics – PhotoShop, Illustrator, PageMaker, Image Ready, Ulead Cool 3D, Xara Webstyle, Xara 3D
• Web Design - MS FrontPage & Dream Weaver.
• Operating System – Windows 98, ME, XP

Work Experience :
• Web Site Developer and Hardware Engineer – WebRangers. (January 2001 - till Date)
Responsibilities – Pioneered in formation of the firm, dealing with clients, developing Web Sites, assembling computers, and was head of the management team.

Courtesy -,

Friday, June 29, 2007

Surat Cinta

Suami saya adalah seorang yang sederhana, saya mencintai sifatnya yang
alami dan saya menyukai perasaan hangat yang muncul di perasaan saya, ketika
saya bersandar di bahunya yang bidang.

Tiga tahun dalam masa perkenalan, dan dua tahun dalam masa pernikahan, saya
harus akui, bahwa saya mulai merasa lelah, alasan-alasan saya mencintainya
dulu telah berubah menjadi sesuatu yang menjemukan.

Saya seorang wanita yang sentimentil dan benar-benar sensitif serta
berperasaan halus.
Saya merindukan saat-saat romantis seperti seorang anak yang menginginkan
Tetapi semua itu tidak pernah saya dapatkan.

Suami saya jauh berbeda dari yang saya harapkan. Rasa sensitif-nya kurang.
Dan ketidakmampuannya dalam menciptakan suasana yang romantis dalam
pernikahan kami telah mementahkan semua harapan saya akan cinta yang ideal.

Suatu hari, saya beranikan diri untuk mengatakan keputusan saya kepadanya,
bahwa saya menginginkan perceraian.

"Mengapa?", tanya suami saya dengan terkejut.
"Saya lelah, kamu tidak pernah bisa memberikan cinta yang saya inginkan,"
jawab saya.

Suami saya terdiam dan termenung sepanjang malam di depan komputernya,
tampak seolah-olah sedang mengerjakan sesuatu, padahal tidak.

Kekecewaan saya semakin bertambah, seorang pria yang bahkan tidak dapat
mengekspresikan perasaannya, apalagi yang bisa saya harapkan darinya?

Dan akhirnya suami saya bertanya, "Apa yang dapat saya lakukan untuk merubah
pikiran kamu?"

Saya menatap matanya dalam-dalam dan menjawab dengan pelan,"Saya punya
pertanyaan, jika kau dapat menemukan jawabannya di dalam perasaan saya, saya
akan merubah pikiran saya :

"Seandainya, saya menyukai setangkai bunga indah yg ada di tebing gunung.
Kita berdua tahu jika kamu memanjat gunung itu, kamu akan mati.
Apakah kamu akan memetik bunga itu untuk saya?"

Dia termenung dan akhirnya berkata, "Saya akan memberikan jawabannya besok."

Perasaan saya langsung gundah mendengar responnya.

Keesokan paginya, dia tidak ada di rumah, dan saya menemukan selembar kertas
dengan oret-oretan tangannya dibawah sebuah gelas yang berisi susu hangat
yang bertuliskan ......

"Sayang, saya tidak akan mengambil bunga itu untukmu, tetapi ijinkan saya
untuk menjelaskan alasannya."

Kalimat pertama ini menghancurkan perasaan saya.

Saya melanjutkan untuk membacanya.

"Kamu selalu pegal-pegal pada waktu 'teman baik kamu' datang setiap
bulannya, dan saya harus memberikan tangan saya untuk memijat kaki kamu yang

"Kamu senang diam di rumah, dan saya selalu kuatir kamu akan menjadi 'aneh'.
Saya harus membelikan sesuatu yang dapat menghibur kamu di rumah atau
meminjamkan lidah saya untuk menceritakan hal-hal lucu yang saya alami."

"Kamu selalu terlalu dekat menonton televisi, terlalu dekat membaca buku,
dan itu tidak baik untuk kesehatan mata kamu. Saya harus menjaga mata saya
agar ketika kita tua nanti, saya masih dapat menolong mengguntingkan kuku
kamu dan mencabuti uban kamu."

"Tangan saya akan memegang tangan kamu, membimbing kamu menelusuri pantai,
menikmati matahari pagi dan pasir yang indah. Menceritakan warna-warna bunga
yang bersinar dan indah seperti cantiknya wajah kamu."

"Tetapi Sayang, saya tidak akan mengambil bunga indah yang ada di tebing
gunung itu hanya untuk mati. Karena, saya tidak sanggup melihat air mata
kamu mengalir.

"Sayang, saya tahu, ada banyak orang yang bisa mencintai kamu lebih dari
saya mencintai kamu. Untuk itu Sayang, jika semua yang telah diberikan
tangan saya, kaki saya, mata saya tidak cukup buat kamu, saya tidak bisa
menahan kamu untuk mencari tangan, kaki, dan mata lain yang dapat
membahagiakan kamu."

Air mata saya jatuh ke atas tulisannya dan membuat tintanya menjadi kabur,
tetapi saya tetap berusaha untuk terus membacanya.

"Dan sekarang, Sayang, kamu telah selesai membaca jawaban saya.

Jika kamu puas dengan semua jawaban ini, dan tetap menginginkan saya untuk
tinggal di rumah ini, tolong bukakan pintu rumah kita, saya sekarang sedang
berdiri di sana menunggu jawaban kamu."

"Jika kamu tidak puas dengan jawaban saya ini, Sayang, biarkan saya masuk
untuk membereskan barang-barang saya, dan saya tidak akan mempersulit hidup
kamu. Percayalah, bahagia saya adalah bila kamu bahagia."

Saya segera berlari membuka pintu dan melihatnya berdiri di depan pintu
dengan wajah penasaran sambil tangannya memegang susu dan roti kesukaan

Oh, kini saya tahu, tidak ada orang yang pernah mencintai saya lebih dari
dia mencintai saya.

Itulah cinta, di saat kita merasa cinta itu telah berangsur-angsur hilang
dari perasaan kita, karena kita merasa dia tidak dapat memberikan cinta
dalam wujud yang kita inginkan, maka cinta itu sesungguhnya telah hadir
dalam wujud lain yang tidak pernah kita bayangkan sebelumnya.

Seringkali yang kita butuhkan adalah memahami wujud cinta dari pasangan
kita, dan bukan mengharapkan wujud tertentu.

Karena cinta tidak selalu harus berwujud "bunga"

Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Magic of Your Beliefs

By Nick Arandes

I'd like to share with you an inspiring true story. I had been wanting to move to Los Angeles, CA for the last several years. When I finally made the decision back in 1992, I had a few opportunities but every time I pursued them something would happen that would not allow me to leave. Back then I was in the process of writing my first manuscript of a book. In December, 1992 and January 1993, my book was in the early stages of editing. Even when my financial situation was really challenging, I was always able to keep working on it.

I did not have a computer or a type writer. I was doing everything on pen and paper. In February a friend of mine asked me if I was interested in renting an apartment in Los Angeles. (Is that not what I wanted?) I accepted and paid to hold it for two months. Unfortunately, I could not keep paying the rent because financially I hit bottom. (Resistance) I was broke. I even considered filing for bankruptcy.

I never gave up the idea of moving to Los Angeles. I simply understood that there must be a reason why my dream could not be manifested at that time. (Surrender) That same month, I went to a local comedy club in Miami, Florida. After my performance, the entertainment coordinator for a major cruise line saw me and asked me to call him at his office the next day. Working for the cruise line, they not only took care of all my travel expenses but I was generating between $800 to $1,400 a week in income.

Around July of that same year, my grandmother in Puerto Rico became very ill. Because the cruise line had ships in Puerto Rico, they would fly me back and forth between Miami and Puerto Rico so that I could visit my grandmother. Most of the time I would stay in Puerto Rico where I would join a ship for a couple of days and they would fly me back.
In October, my grandmother passed away and I had to take care of the funeral arrangements. Because I am an only child and my mother had died five years prior to my grandmother, all of a sudden I was overwhelmed with many responsibilities. Thanks to the cruise line, I could still make money while I was taking care of things at home in Puerto Rico.

That same month I got a call from a production company in West Palm Beach, Florida telling me that 20th Century Fox was interested in me for a television pilot. 20th Century Fox put me on a holding deal for $30,000. If I had moved to Los Angeles when I wanted to, it would have been difficult for me to handle the financial responsibilities that came my way.

As you can see, everything in life follows a perfect order. God wants the best for us. The Universe knew all the challenges I was going to face that particular year. But my dream was never denied. Besides, how could it possible be denied when it is not really me dream. It is God's dream. I am just the channel, just as you are, through which desires are transmuted into physical experience. All that was required from me at that moment was to move in the direction of my dream. So what is your dream? Do not concern yourself with details regarding how to make it happen because that is none of your business. Notice how the Universe made my dream come true in a way that I was not even expecting. Not only did I end up moving to California, but I moved with plenty of money in my pocket, a development deal and a manuscript.

Before closing I want you to be aware that when I mentioned earlier in the chapter that I was broke, I could have easily said poor. The reason I chose the word broke as opposed to poor, is because a person who is broke understands that he or she can figure out a way to generate income. On the other hand, someone who is poor has made a decision to remain that way. Poverty has nothing to do with economy or circumstances, it is a state of mind. Believe it or not, it is a personal decision. So be aware of how you talk to yourself.

In January of 1993 I was completely broke financially, ready to file bankruptcy. I had no work lined up, but by the end of that year I had made an annual income of $44.000. I traveled all over the Caribbean with all expenses paid, I got to stay in Puerto Rico with my grandmother, I ended up with a $30,000 development deal with 20th Century Fox and relocated to Los Angeles, California. That's the MAGIC of your beliefs!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Nick Arandes has written many articles. Some have been published in spiritual publications as well as online. His book on tape, All Your Dreams Are Meant To Be Fulfilled, has been endorsed by Dr. Deepak Chopra, Louise L. Hay and John and Jan Randolph Price just to name a few. His website is:

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Sistem Poin

Seorang pria meninggal dunia dan rohnya pergi ke Surga. Di gerbang Surga ia disambut oleh Petrus.

Petrus berkata, "Inilah syarat untuk masuk ke Surga. Engkau memerlukan 100 poin untuk masuk. Caranya, sebutkan semua perbuatan baik yang telah engkau lakukan semasa hidupmu. Tiap-tiap perbuatan baik akan diberi poin sesuai dengan derajat kebaikannya. Kalau engkau sudah mencapai 100 poin maka engkau berhak menjadi penghuni Surga."

"Baiklah," kata orang tersebut, "saya telah menikah selama 50 tahun dan tidak pernah berselingkuh maupun berbohong terhadap istriku walau di dalam pikiran sekalipun."

"Itu bagus," kata Petrus, "nilainya 3 poin!"

"Tiga poin?!" kata orang itu dengan sedikit kecewa. "Baiklah, saya selalu hadir dalam setiap kebaktian Minggu selama hidup saya. Saya selalu membayar perpuluhan dan mendukung penuh pelayanan pekerjaan Tuhan di gereja."

"Luar biasa!" kata Petrus. "Hal ini sudah pasti menghasilkan 1 poin."

"Satu poin?!?" keluhnya; sekarang ia benar-benar merasa cemas. "Saya menjadi pelopor dapur umum untuk orang-orang miskin di kota saya dan saya bekerja di tempat penampungan untuk para veteran perang yang tidak punya rumah."

"Hebat! Itu berarti engkau memiliki tambahan 2 poin lagi," kata Petrus.

"Dua poin!?" orang itu berteriak. "Dengan sistem penilaian seperti ini, satu-satunya cara untuk dapat masuk ke Surga hanyalah dengan kasih anugerah Tuhan!"

Petrus mengangguk dan berkata, "Tepat, 100 poin untuk engkau! Masuklah anakku."

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Four Beautiful Stories ?

- Marsha Jordan


After some friends lost their home in a tornado, I helped them clean up what was left. There wasn't much. Where their house had once stood was a refrigerator. That's all. Destruction was everywhere. Debris covered the yard and the nearby woods. All day we sorted through the rubble, hoping to find intact some piece of our friends' lives. We could rescue only a few belongings. We uncovered some important papers, a few small personal items, and a handful of photos - not very much to represent an entire lifetime. I'm sure the family treasures these mementos because they're all that remains from their pre-tornado life.

Like the devastating winds of a tornado, I've felt trouble beat against my life. Hardships blow into every life, threatening to knock down all that we value. In the wreckage, we can usually find some valuable treasures, if our eyes are open to recognize them and our hearts are open to receive them.

As long as we're in this world, we will have tribulation. (John 16:33) But this Bible verse also says, "In me you may have peace." How can we have peace amid tribulation? Peace doesn't result from the removal of unpleasant circumstances. It comes from releasing our own plans and being open to God's plan. Rest comes from fixing our eyes on Him instead of on circumstances. It comes from giving up on living for myself and living for Him instead.

From God's vantage point, there is no true debris. I'm confident that He is in the midst of any storm, and I try to keep my eyes open to see the gift He gives with the rubble. He has promised that, for those who love Him, He'll bring blessings out of storms.

* * * *
Additional Thought To Ponder: Adversity is like a strong wind.

You can struggle against it or you can let it carry you in a new direction

* * * *


Are you the type of person who eats when you're stressed? I am. I eat when I'm stressed, when I'm sad, when I'm happy, and when I'm tired. I believe there's a food for every mood.

I eat for any reason at any time. I eat when I'm watching television, I eat while riding in the car, and I even eat while sitting at the computer. There are enough crumbs in my keyboard to feed a troupe of boy scouts. Every once in a while, I just shake it over the table and announce to the husband,"Dinner's ready!"

I eat too much, too often. Since I was a kid, I've had a weight problem. I could never weight for the next meal. I began wearing a girdle to school in kindergarten, and I've been on diets for most of my life.

I recently began yet another new eating regimen. Forbidden food groups include appetizers and desserts, anything processed or fried, and anything with meat or dairy products in it. I must also avoid all foods seen on TV commercials or restaurant menus. I cannot eat anything prepared by my grandma, Aunt Hildegard, my third cousin twice removed, or any other member of the family. It's called the Oriental Diet. I can eat all I want from the specified food list (celery, kale, bok choi, and those tiny ears of corn), but I must use only one chopstick.

This week, I've failed miserably at sticking to my eating plan. I've had an insatiable appetite for junk food. In addition to a dumpster load of Hostess Twinkies, I've devoured roughly eleven cases of raspberry Fig Newtons and eight and a half pounds of extra crunchy Cheetos. I can't be sneaky about it either. When the husband asks if I've eaten all the Cheetos, how can I look innocent when my fingers and teeth are orange?

Wouldn't you think that after stuffing myself with junk food all week I'd be satisfied? I'm not. In fact, the more I eat, the more I crave. If I continue this way, I'll need a front end loader to lift my carcass out of the Lazy Boy.

To make matters worse, I don't get enough exercise. But I really can't do much that's physical, because I think I pulled a fat cell. I'm barely able to crawl to the kitchen for six square meals a day.

I really need to lose weight. I want to know how it feels to bend over and tie my shoes without cutting off the blood supply above my waist and feeling as if my intestines are being pushed out my ears. It would be great to zip my jeans without fainting from lack of oxygen. So I must get back on track. I'll paste on my refrigerator door that old proverb uttered by some wise sage: "If it tastes good, spit it out."

From now on, I'll plan my meals around a main dish of parsley. Only
nutritional foods will pass my lips, like rutabagas, spinach, and celery -- stuff that takes half an hour to chew. By the time I swallow them, my aching jaws will be too tired to munch extra-crunchy Cheetos or anything else. Now if I could only figure out a way to make veggies taste like turtle cheesecake.

To keep my weight down and my arteries clean, I must eat health-restoring foods. Similarly, keeping my spiritual arteries open and flowing freely requires health food for my soul. Whoever coined the phrase "Garbage in, garbage out" knew what he was talking about. When I dump into my spirit things that I'm better off without, they transform my perceptions, attitude, and actions. The result can be just as shocking as that horror-filled moment when I view my cellulite-riddled body in Wal-mart's dressing room mirror.

So, I've made two resolutions. One is to strengthen my body and fuel it with life-sustaining foods. Also, I'll incorporate into my lifestyle more exercise than just aerobic eating and lifting extra large Hershey bars. I'll start slowly with the goal of working up to three sit ups a day. And instead of walking, I'll jog from my bed to the table.

I also plan to exercise my faith and feast spiritually on the word of God. This will be easier and much more palatable than a physical diet; and it will keep my sin-sick, love-starved soul in tip-top health. Bible study is the meat that gives me strength for handling stress and a clear mind to make good decisions. And, unlike Chinese food, it doesn't leave me feeling empty in an hour.

Jeremiah 15:16 says, "When your words came, I ate them; and they were my joy and my heart's delight." Jesus promised that whoever hungers and thirsts for righteousness will be satisfied, and Psalm 63:5 testifies, "My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods."

I feel better already.

Additional Thought To Ponder:

"Taste and see that the Lord is good." (Psalm 34:8)

* * * * *


Do you know anybody who gambles on the slot machines in Las Vegas? Most people like the idea of having money spill out of a machine into their pockets, but that's not likely to happen.

Even though I don't gamble and I don't have a high paying job, I am rich because I possess a treasure greater than money. It provides great joy, it helps me get to heaven, and it can change my life on earth. It's free and available to anyone. It's a love letter written from the heart of the all-powerful creator of the world. It's the Bible.

If God suddenly appeared before us and wanted to chat, wouldn't we drop
everything and pay close attention to what He had to say? Yet, we have a
written message from Him and many of us ignore it. We would get excited about meeting the president, famous athletes, or movie stars. Why don't we show the same enthusiasm and awe when we encounter the highest power in the universe through His written word?

Is your Bible hidden away on a shelf? Do you even own one? In some
countries, it's illegal to read the Bible. In others, Bibles are so expensive that only the wealthy can afford them. I have five Bibles in my house, but most families around the globe have none; and they'd be grateful for an opportunity just to borrow one periodically.

Do you appreciate the treasure that's sitting on your coffee table collecting dust? Do you take advantage of our freedom to study the wisdom contained in this book?

I don't need to gamble in Vegas for riches. The greatest treasure in this
world is available to me wherever I am. It may be as close as my corner

* * * *
Additional Thought To Ponder:

"I rejoice at Your Word as one who finds great treasure." (Psalm 119:162)

* * * *


As we age, the hearing and eye sight are usually the first things to go, but my memory beat them to it. My smarts checked out of Hotel Cerebellum long ago.

My four-year-old grandson, frustrated by my poor memory, suggested that I
visit a "head doctor." When I asked why, he told me, "You need somebody to
help you think smarter because you have a bad brain."

It's sad when a preschooler realizes that he's smarter than you are. The
kid's not even in kindergarten and he's outgrown me.
I'm reminded of something the Bible says about people who have trouble
seeing, hearing and understanding.

"Therefore I speak to them in parables," Jesus said, "because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand . . . " (Matthew 13:13) Why do some people not hear, see, and understand what God tells them? It's not a communication problem. It's a heart problem.
"For the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of
hearing, and their eyes they have closed, . . . lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, so that I should heal them." (Matthew 13:15) Though God speaks to us through the Bible, we can be slow to understand. Our hearts are not receptive. We have selective hearing.

We all need to open our eyes and ears to see and hear not just what we want to see and hear, but what God is trying to communicate to us!

* * * *
Additional Thought To Ponder:

A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education. It should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet. Read it slowly, frequently, and prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasure. (Author unknown)

* * * *

Marsha Jordan is a disabled grandmother, author, and shower singer who began her writing career on the bathroom walls of St. Joseph's Catholic Elementary School. Now her writing appears in restrooms throughout the country.Jordan has two boys, ages 30 and 55. She's been married to the 55 year old for 31 years.

She's been held captive for a quarter of a century In the north woods of Wisconsin where she shares an empty nest with her rocket scientist husband and their badly behaved toy poodle, King Louie who rules the household with an iron paw. Jordan, who has eaten enough chocolate to make the Guinness Book of Records, spends her days ignoring her dirty oven and dreaming of the things she'd like to do but probably never will -- including overcoming the trauma of class picture day in second grade. Her hobbies (besides eating and napping) include rubber stamping, collecting antiques, riding her pet pig Shirley, and studying do-it-yourself dentistry.

After her grandson was badly burned, Jordan created The HUGS and HOPE Foundation, a nonprofit charity devoted to cheering critically ill and injured children.

Jordan's inspirational and humorous essays are available in her new book, "Hugs, Hope, and Peanut Butter." The book is illustrated with drawings by kids who are battling for life. To learn more visit

By combining hope with humor and drawing upon her own experience of living with chronic pain and depression, Jordan shares everyday experiences, lessons she's learned, and practical coping skills. Once active and energetic, her busy schedule came to a halt when she fell victim to a connective tissue disease, causing migraines, fatigue, fibromyalgia, and joint pain. Due to illness complications, Jordan was temporarily struck blind; so she knows how it feels to be sick, in pain and afraid.

In her book, Jordan (Phyllis Diller wannabe) recounts her search for the perfect purse, camping adventures, aging without grace, and dealing with her "very male" husband. Some chapter titles include, "Limburger Attitude, "The Joy of Shopping," "Is Broccoli Hazardous?" and "Life in the Manure Pile."

Jordan has received many awards for her work with children, and was featured in Rosie Magazine as well as on WGN television's Unsung Heroes program. She's had devotionals and stories published in "A Cup of Comfort" and other anthologies. Her articles have appeared in "Heart Light" and "Obadiah" magazines. Jordan is a regular columnist for "Handmaidens" magazine and "My Walk With Jesus" Christian newspaper; and she has contributed to over 50 online newsletters and e-zines, such as "Heart Warmers," "Power to Share," and "Warm Fuzzy Stories."

Between writing, running a nonprofit charity from her home, and enjoying time with her grandson, Jordan devotes herself to three pursuits: white chocolate, dark, chocolate, and milk chocolate

Monday, June 25, 2007

Kata-kata Kehidupan

Sekelompok kodok sedang berjalan-jalan melintasi hutan. Malangnya, dua di antara kodok tersebut jatuh kedalam sebuah lubang. Kodok-kodok yang lain mengelilingi lubang tersebut. Ketika melihat betapa dalamnya lubang tersebut, mereka berkata pada kedua kodok tersebut bahwa mereka lebih baik mati. Kedua kodok tersebut mengacuhkan komentar-komentar itu dan mencoba melompat keluar dari lubang itu dengan segala kemampuan yang ada. Kodok yang lainnya tetap mengatakan agar mereka berhenti melompat dan lebih baik mati.

Akhirnya, salah satu dari kodok yang ada di lubang itu mendengarkan kata-kata kodok yang lain dan menyerah. Dia terjatuh dan mati. Sedang kodok yang satunya tetap melanjutkan untuk melompat sedapat mungkin. Sekali lagi kerumunan kodok tersebut berteriak padanya agar berhenti berusaha dan mati saja. Dia bahkan berusaha lebih kencang dan akhirnya berhasil.

Akhirnya, dengan sebuah lompatan yang kencang, dia berhasil sampai di atas. Kodok lainnya takjub dengan semangat kodok yang satu ini, dan bertanya "Apa kau tidak mendengar teriakan kami?" Lalu kodok itu (dengan membaca gerakan bibir kodok yang lain) menjelaskan bahwa ia tuli.

Akhirnya mereka sadar bahwa saat di bawah tadi mereka dianggap telah memberikan semangat kepada kodok tersebut.

Apa yang dapat kita pelajari dari ilustrasi di atas?

Kekuatan hidup dan mati ada di lidah. Kata-kata positif yang diberikan pada seseorang yang sedang "jatuh" justru dapat membuat orang tersebut bangkit dan membantu mereka dalam menjalani hari-hari.

Sebaliknya, kata-kata buruk yang diberikan pada seseorang yang sedang "jatuh" dapat membunuh mereka. Hati hatilah dengan apa yang akan diucapkan.

Suarakan 'kata-kata kehidupan' kepada mereka yang sedang menjauh dari jalur hidupnya. Kadang-kadang memang sulit dimengerti bahwa 'kata-kata kehidupan' itu dapat membuat kita berpikir dan melangkah jauh dari yang kita perkirakan.

Semua orang dapat mengeluarkan 'kata-kata kehidupan' untuk membuat rekan dan teman atau bahkan kepada yang tidak kenal sekalipun untuk membuatnya bangkit dari keputus-asaanya, kejatuhannya, kemalangannya.

Sungguh indah apabila kita dapat meluangkan waktu kita untuk memberikan spirit bagi mereka yang sedang putus asa dan jatuh.

Sampaikanlah pesan ini kepada orang yang sedang kamu pikirkan sekarang ini.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Even a Banana Can Be a Miracle

By: Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

My daughter passed along the following true story—a wonderful example of the great Divine's ability to give us gifts, both great and small.

A few years ago a Rabbi's wife and their son had to go to Germany. The little boy was ill and the only appropriate treatment for his very unusual illness was to be found in a hospital in Germany. Mrs. Mandelson, being a survivor of the Holocaust, was not thrilled about going to Germany. However, it was the wisest decision, as her son's health came above all else.

Together mom and Yakov took the long, transatlantic, overnight flight, the bus ride to the hospital, and handled the complicated admitting process. Finally, fatigued, they settled into a hospital room for the son, which also contained a cot for mother.

A couple of days passed relatively uneventfully except for some preliminary tests and consultations. Now it was Friday, several hours before Shabbos. At home in Borough Park, Ruth would have been busily preparing for Shabbos. That morning she would have gotten up early to bake her own fresh challah. She would have worked to the stores early to find the best vegetables and fruits. All afternoon she would have cooked and cleaned until the house smelled delicious and shone.

Now, two hours before Shabbos, she was alone in a strange land that held certain haunting memories for her. She and Yakov had little to look forward to on Shabbos except the small bundle of goodies that she had brought with them. Thankfully, she had a little challah left over from last week. She had a special bottle of grape juice that her son loved and some other treats to round out the otherwise bland kosher food ordered for them in the hospital. It was minimal, but would have to do.

Yakov was feeling somewhat down this Friday, himself. At ten he was perfectly aware that his health was not good and of course he was keenly aware that he was lonely, away from his friends, brothers and sisters, and also in a sterile hospital setting. As the late afternoon shadows crossed their room his mood was quickly deteriorating. He was becoming blue.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he said to his mommy, "I hate being here. We're so alone. We have nothing to look forward to. We're all alone. This will be the worst Shabbos."

Ruth tried to offset his blues by telling him, "No, we're never alone. God is always with us. We have each other. I have some goodies that we will have later on Shabbos. And I'll tell you stories. Don't worry, we'll have fun."

But her mood was also quickly declining as much as she tried to stay optimistic and buoyant. To top it off, as they were standing in the corridor, waiting for the elevator back to their room to shower and change for Shabbos, she suddenly remembered that she had not taken her potassium in several days.

In fact, perhaps that was part of the reason why she was feeling off. She really needed potassium and now had no way of getting it on Shabbos. She was thinking to herself that even a banana would be helpful. But it was off-season for bananas. She hadn't seen any bananas on the hospital trays since they arrived.

Now, there was no time to go outside and shop. This was awful. They had only 40 minutes to Shabbos. These anxiety-provoking thoughts filled her brain as Yakov stood next to her. He looked so sad himself, kicking his little foot against the wall in a kind of random act of wasted motion as they waited for the elevator.

She wondered how in the world she could stay buoyant enough for both of them. They both noticed a family going by, a father, mother and three children all holding hands. That was the last straw as Yakov looked at the family, particularly his eyes, filled with tears, focused on the father.

"I miss my daddy so much. I am miserable."

Ruth felt she was going to cry also. She admitted to herself that she was miserable and began to have some dark thoughts as to whether it was worth coming to Germany for the treatment.

They seemed to wait a very long time by the elevator. Finally the elevator arrived and the doors opened. No one else was in the elevator. But in the far left corner on the floor, Ruth was astonished to see a perfectly ripe, juicy, delicious looking banana lying there.

"Wow," she said to herself, "I guess I can have my potassium after all."

She swooped down and picked up the banana. Then the marvel of the moment came together for her.

* This is based on a true story. However, I took the liberty, after hearing the facts once, to augment and dramatize the story in my own fashion. I hope my story is in the spirit on the true small miracle that happened.


Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein , originator of THE ENCHANTED SELF®, a method of bringing delight and meaning into everyday living, invites you to view her new line of ENCHANTED WOMAN products, downloadable e-books, and free gifts at Chat with others in Dr. Holstein's e-group,, and sign up for her free e-group at . Order her book, THE ENCHANTED SELF: A Positive Therapy, or the CD-rom or tape version and her book RECIPES FOR ENCHANTMENT: The Secret Ingredient is YOU!, or the ED-rom version, at

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Bajaj Butut

Sore hari aku keluar dari Pasar Baru untuk pulang ke rumah. Pas sampai di pangkalan bajaj ternyata bajaj urutan pertama yang ada disitu adalah sebuah bajaj butut sekaliiii! Dilihat dari bodynya saja sudah terlihat bahwa bajaj itu bentuknya tidak seperti bajaj biasa. Sempat terpikir sebaiknya aku memilih bajaj yang lain saja. Namun niat itu tidak kesampaian karena begitu aku mau pergi ternyata abang bajaj butut langsung menawarkan jasanya kepadaku. Akhirnya dengan mantap aku naik ke bajaj itu.

Selama perjalanan aku sempat memperhatikan bagian dalam bajaj yang kutumpangi dan aku semakin yakin bahwa bajaj tersebut memang sangat parah keadaannya. Bangkunya tidak seempuk bangku bajaj biasa. Karena begitu aku duduk langsung terasa kalau bangku itu tidak dilapisi busa. Atapnya penuh dengan tempelan plastik, maksudnya supaya kalau hujan tidak bocor. Selain itu setiap kali belok ditikungan dan direm untuk mengurangi kecepatan, selalu terdengar bunyi ckek..ckek...ckek... seperti gejala mesin yang mau mati. Tiba-tiba sepintas terlintas dalam pikiran seandainya tadi aku tidak memilih bajaj ini, abang bajaj itu tentu akan merasa sedih. Karena meskipun dia ada di urutan pertama tapi tidak ada orang yang mau memakai bajajnya. Sambil menikmati pengapnya bajaj, aku teringat dengan kata-kata "Kalau mau melayani jangan pernah pilih-pilih orang." Kalimat yang sering kuucapkan kepada teman-teman, hampir saja aku lupakan pada saat aku tadi berniat memilih bajaj lain yang kondisinya lebih baik.

Sebagai manusia aku sering kali membayangkan bahwa Tuhan yang kita cari dan rindukan hanya akan hadir manakala kita rajin berdoa di gereja, setia melayani, rajin memberi persembahan dan membayar perpuluhan. Padahal dalam hidup sehari-hari sosok Tuhan seringkali dapat kita temukan diantara orang-orang yang mungkin tidak pernah kita kehendaki seperti pengemis pinggir jalan, pengamen, pedagang asongan didalam bus, tukang ojek, teman kantor dan lain-lain.

Tuhan, beri aku kepekaan yang lebih lagi, sehingga bisa memperoleh kesempatan untuk melihat sosokMu pada setiap orang yang ku jumpai. Semoga juga aku bisa melayani lebih baik lagi dari hari ke hari, dengan keyakinan bahwa segala sesuatu yang aku lakukan untuk salah seorang dari saudaraku yang paling hina, sesungguhnya aku telah melakukannya juga untuk Tuhanku (Matius 25:40).

Friday, June 22, 2007

Perkataan yang Mendatangkan kasih karunia

Salah satu buah pelayanan yang penting adalah buah-buah perkataan kita di dalam hubungan antar sesama. Kata-kata kita sangatlah dahsyat, karena ia dapat membangun atau meruntuhkan, menghidupkan atau membunuh, memberi semangat atau memadamkan semangat. Kata-kata kita dapat mendatangkan kasih karunia atau mendatangkan kerusakan dan kehancuran. Paulus berkata, "Janganlah ada perkataan kotor keluar dari mulutmu, tetapi pakailah perkataan yang baik untuk membangun, di mana perlu, supaya mereka yang mendengarnya, beroleh kasih karunia." (Ef 4:29).

Kata-kata yang rusak tidak mendatangkan kasih karunia, tapi menghancurkan orang lain. Menurut Larry Crabb, kata-kata yang tidak membangun orang lain adalah:

1. Perkataan basa-basi
Kata-kata yang diucapkan untuk menyenangkan orang lain. Kata-kata yang diucapkan hanya untuk melindungi diri agar terlihat baik dan hebat. Contoh: "Saya akan mendoakan." atau "Kalau ada masalah jangan segan-segan menelepon saya." Kebanyakan kata-kata yang demikian tidak datang dari hati yang memang sungguh-sungguh ingin melayani orang lain, tetapi lebih banyak karena basa-basi, supaya terlihat baik dan rohani.

2. Perkataan mematikan
Perkataan yang menghancurkan orang lain adalah kata-kata yang diucapkan dengan keterbukaan total, tanpa mempertimbangkan kesiapan orang lain yang mendengarkannya, atau kata-kata yang tajam yang menyakiti orang lain. Contoh: "Saya tidak perduli, saya orangnya memang begini, siapapun saya labrak." "Kamu memang tidak berguna, masa depan kamu pasti jelek."
Mari, kita mempergunakan kata-kata yang dapat membangun iman orang lain. Sebab melalui perkataan yang kita ucapkan dapat mendatangkan kasih karunia kepada orang yang mendengarkannya. Hal ini akan membuat mereka yang mendengarnya akan mendapatkan kasih karunia untuk memuliakan Allah, Bapa kita di sorga.


Thursday, June 21, 2007

Gigi palsu yang bertuah

Seorang pendeta mengalami sebuah kecelakaan mobil yang mengakibatkan semua gigi depannya rontok. Ia merasa sangat sedih dan kecewa mengalami musibah itu. Ia lalu terpaksa memakai gigi palsu.

Suatu saat pendeta ini diutus untuk memberitakan Injil kedaerah pedalaman yang belum terjangkau oleh Injil. Orang-orang pedalaman ini masih primitif, di mana mereka banyak menangkap orang lalu membunuhnya. Bapak pendeta ini akhirnya juga tertangkap. Ia merasa dua kali kecewa. Dahulu giginya rontok, dan sekarang nyawanya terancam.

Di dalam kurungan, ia kemudian menanggalkan gigi palsunya untuk dibersihkan sambil bersiul. Ketika hal itu di lihat oleh orang-orang pedalaman, mereka menjadi sangat ketakutan melihat "KESAKTIAN" pendeta itu, yang dengan mudah menanggal gigi dan memasangnya kembali seperti semula. Peristiwa itu di laporkan kepada raja mereka. Semua mangangap bahwa pendeta itu adalah penjelmaan dewa sakti yang turun dari langit.

Hanya dengan sederet gigi palsu, orang-orang disana akhirnya mau mendengarkan, menerima Injil, bertobat, dan menerima Tuhan Yesus sebagai Juruselamat pribadi mereka.

Sumber: Secangkir Sup Bagi jiwa anda 1 (Timotius Adi Tan, Metanoia Publishing)

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Friends are God's way of taking care of us

- By an Anonymous Metro Denver Hospice Physician

I just had one of the most amazing experiences of my life, and wanted to share it with my family and dearest friends.

I was driving home from a meeting this evening about 5, stuck in traffic on Colorado Blvd., and the car started to choke and splutter and die - I barely managed to coast, cursing, into a gas station, glad only that I would not be blocking traffic and would have a somewhat warm spot to wait for the tow truck. It wouldn't even turn over. Before I could make the call, I saw a woman walking out of the "quickie mart" building, and it looked like she slipped on some ice and fell into a Gas pump, so I got out to see if she was okay.

When I got there, it looked more like she had been overcome by sobs than that she had fallen; she was a young woman who looked really haggard with dark circles under her eyes. She dropped something as I helped her up, and I picked it up to give it to her. It was a nickel.

At that moment, everything came into focus for me: the crying woman, the ancient Suburban crammed full of stuff with 3 kids in the back (1 in a car seat), and the gas pump reading $4.95.

I asked her if she was okay and if she needed help, and she just kept saying " don't want my kids to see me crying," so we stood on the other side of the pump from her car. She said she was driving to California and that things were very hard for her right now. So I asked, "And you were praying?" That made her back away from me a little, but I assured her I was not a crazy person and said, "He heard you, and He sent me."

I took out my card and swiped it through the card reader on the pump so she could fill up her car completely, and while it was fueling, walked to the next door McDonald's and bought 2 big bags of food, some gift certificates for more, and a big cup of coffee. She gave the food to the kids in the Car, who attacked it like wolves, and we stood by the pump eating fries and talking a little.

She told me her name, and that she lived in Kansas City . Her boyfriend left 2 months ago and she had not been able to make ends meet. She knew she wouldn't have money to pay rent Jan 1, and finally in desperation had finally called her parents, with whom she had not spoken in about 5 years. They lived in California and said she could come live with them and try to get on her feet there.

So she packed up everything she owned in the car. She told the kids they were going to California for Christmas, but not that they were going to live there.

I gave her my gloves, a little hug and said a quick prayer with her for safety on the road. As I was walking over to my car, she said, "So, are you like an angel or something?"

This definitely made me cry. I said, "Sweetie, at this time of year angels are really busy, so sometimes God uses regular people."

It was so incredible to be a part of someone else's miracle. And of course, you guessed it, when I got in my car it started right away and got me home with no problem. I'll put it in the shop tomorrow to check, but I suspect the mechanic won't find anything wrong.

Sometimes the angels fly close enough to you that you can hear the flutter of their wings...

Psalms 55:22 "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee. He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved."

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Berdoa dengan iman " ( Yakobus 1:6-7 ) "

Saat makan siang dengan beberapa teman, salah seorang dokter bedah
bertanya kepada saya," dokter, operasi terhebat apakah yang pernah anda

Saya bingung harus menjawab operasi yg mana. Saya sudah banyak melakukan
operasi dan semuanya menuntut keahlian, kesabaran, ketelitian yg tinggi.

Kemudian saya teringat pada operasi yg dijalani oleh gadis kecil yg hanya
mempunyai harapan 10% saja untuk hidup.

Malam itu para perawat membawa seorang gadis kecil yg berwajah pucat masuk
keruang operasi. waktu itu pikiran saya sedang dipenuhi berbagai macam
persoalan yang berat. ketika para perawat sedang mempersiapkan pembiusan,
gadis kecil ini bertanya kepada saya ....

"Dokter bolehkah saya menanayakan sesuatu ?"

"Ya sayang, apa yg ingin kamu tanyakan?"....

"Setiap malam sebelum tidur saya selalu berdoa, skrg sebelum operasi
dimulai, bolehkah saya berdoa?"......

"Baiklah anak manis, engkau memang harus berdoa, jgn lupa berdoa jg untuk

Kemudian gadis kecil itu melipat kedua tanganya dan berdoa......
"Yesus, engkau gembala yang baik, berkatilah domba kecilMu malam ini.
Dalam kegelapan, kiranya Engkau dekat denganku, lindungi aku sampai
datangnya sinar mentari esok pagi. " dan berkati pula dokter yg akan

Setelah menutup doanya gadis kecil itu berkata " sekarang saya sudah siap
Mata saya berkaca2, melihat betapa besar iman yang dimiliki gadis kecil
tersebut. Malam itu sebelum saya mulai operasi, saya berdoa......

" Tuhan yg baik, engkau boleh tidak membantuku dalam operasi yang lain, tp
kali ini bantulah aku untuk menyelamatkan gadis kecil ini," kemudian saya
mulai mengoperasi gadis kecil itu dan keajaiban terjadi, dia

Saat berpisah dan melepas gadis kecil itu untuk kembali ke rumah, maka
saya sadar sesungguhnya sayalah " pasien" yg menjalani operasi iman. Gaya
hidup gadis kecil itu mengajarkan bahwa jika kita menyerahkan seluruh
masalah dan beban hidup kita ke dalam tangan Tuhan, maka Dia akan
memulihkan dan menolong kita.

Doa dan iman !......

Membuat kita yakin bahwa Tuhan mampu memelihara dan menjaga harapan yang
kita gantungkan kepadaNya.

Doa menjadikan iman sebuah kenyataan. Doa yg dinaikkan dengan iman akan
menghapuskan kekuatiran di dalam hati kita, sehingga doa itu akan
mendatangkan mujizat.
Tidak ada yg mustahil bagi orang yang percaya kepadaNya, karena itu
tetaplah berdoa dengan penuh kenyakinan dan pengharapan di dalam nama
Tuhan Yesus Kristus.

Yohanes 16:24
"Sudahkah kamu berdoa dengan iman ????? mintalah maka kamu akan menerima
dengan penuh sukacita.........."

Monday, June 18, 2007

Helping Grandpa

By Marsha Jordan

Our four-year-old grandson spends weekends with us. He used to love rubber stamping and baking with me in the kitchen, but lately he prefers to spend his time with grandpa in the workshop.

My husband restores antique (wood) boats. Cobi loves to "help" him. After strapping his little tool belt around his waist and filling it with his plastic wrenches, screwdrivers, pliers, and hammer, he's ready to tear something apart. He saunters into the garage and greets grandpa with "How ya doin' buddy? Let's get to work!" Though he doesn't have a clue about what he's doing, he THINKS he's actually helping. But, most often when he's trying to fix a problem, he's creating a bigger problem and more work for grandpa!

The other day, Tom nearly had a coronary when he turned around just in time to see Cobi stabbing a newly upholstered boat seat with his screwdriver. Grandpa explained that screwdrivers aren't the right tool to use on seat covers, and stabbing isn't the correct way to work on seats, (and besides that, the seats didn't even need any fixing).

It reminded me of how often I use my insufficient skills and tools to "help" God fix things. I don't like to wait for God to work, or I don't like the way He does the job, so I try to work everything out in my own way and my own timing. This often results in more work for God who must come behind me cleaning up the mess I've made. If we let God take control in the first place, we could save ourselves (and HIM too) a lot of frustration.

Like a toddler who uses a screwdriver on the expensive upholstery or a hammer to remove screws, my futile efforts to fix my life is as productive as trying to tear down a building with tweezers and toothpicks. I lack the knowledge to do God's job, so I should stay out of His way and let HIM do it! My trying to control things and help God just creates more problems, and often I don't even know what needs to be fixed.

I'm often so busy trying to control things that I forget I'm not the potter. I'm the clay! Instead of jumping into action immediately, sometimes it's wiser to sit back and wait a while. The Bible says in Psalm 46:10, "Be still (or cease your striving) and know that I AM God." Do you sometimes act like YOU are God? Do you want to be the one in charge? God wants us to realize that we are not all powerful. He is and He wants us to give control over to Him. He is so much better at fixing things than we are!

He alone is "able to do immeasurably more than anything we can even imagine."

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Marsha Jordan, creator of the HUGS and HOPE Club, is a disabled grandma who cares about kids and does whatever she can to help them.

In a new book, author Thomas Baldrick calls Jordan a champion and compares her to Michael Jordan, saying: "She has done for the Internet what Michael Jordan has done for the game of basketball -- raising it to a higher level."

The book "A Million & One Ways to Celebrate a Child" is a powerful collection of real-life stories about ordinary people doing extraordinary things for children. Jordan's story, entitled "Love, Happiness, and Sticky Peanut Butter" is one of the many true sources of inspiration in the book. Part of the proceeds from book sales will benefit the HUGS and HOPE Club for Sick Children.
To contact Marsha, email <>

Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Visit of Wealth, Success, and Love

A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said "I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat."

"Is the man of the house home?", they asked.

"No", she replied. "He's out."

"Then we cannot come in", they replied.

In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened.

"Go tell them I am home and invite them in!"

The woman went out and invited the men in"

"We do not go into a House together," they replied.

"Why is that?" she asked.

One of the old men explained: "His name is Wealth," he said pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to another one, "He is Success, and I am Love." Then he added, "Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home."

The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband was overjoyed. "How nice!!", he said. "Since that is the case, let us invite Wealth. Let him come and fill our home with wealth!"

His wife disagreed. "My dear, why don't we invite Success?"

Their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the house. She jumped in with her own suggestion: "Would it not be better to invite Love? Our home will then be filled with love!"

"Let us heed our daughter-in-law's advice," said the husband to his wife.

"Go out and invite Love to be our guest."

The woman went out and asked the 3 old men, "Which one of you is Love?
Please come in and be our guest."

Love got up and started walking toward the house. The other 2 also got up and followed him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success: "I only invited Love, Why are you coming in?"

The old men replied together: "If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us would've stayed out, but since you invited Love, wherever He goes, we go with him. Wherever there is Love, there is also Wealth and Success!!!!!!"

Monday, June 11, 2007

Dark Waters

By: Cailean Darkwater

So this is it. I am going to die.

The shock of icy water, moonless black overhead. Savage waves pulling me every which way. Insidious undercurrents dragging me under. Struggling, I can avoid the sea's cold, clutching hands long enough to give me some vague illusion of control over my situation. That's all it is, an illusion.

Eventually I'll become weary and those terrible claws will snatch me from my tenuous link to the surface world and bury me deep beneath the surging waters, a chill sacrifice to the dark gods of the sea.

I feel like I am stuck between life and death, bobbing up and down upon the waves.

There is no hope.

Even if I did have the strength, I don't even know where the shore is now. I could be so far out ... I don't know. I do know that my feet don't touch the bottom, I am definitely out of my depth.

I've popped back to the surface briefly, snatch a quick breath of air. While I have the moment, however fleeting, I thrash spasmodically in the water, arms upraised. I still don't know where the shore is, but if there is someone watching, I hope that they realize I am not waving, but drowning. And I do not have much time left.

This is my fervent prayer as the great beast of the sea yanks me down again.

I know I'm deluding myself. I don't even remember why I'm here, let alone know why anyone else should be. I'm resigned to my fate. I suppose I'm still struggling as some sort of base survival instinct, an animalistic snarl of defiance against the inevitable.

Over the splashing I make I can hear something - steady, sustained movement through the water.

Abruptly I am no longer dying alone, I am dying with an audience.

She's in no danger herself, seeming effortless she floats upon raging brine. She shouts above the crashing water, "You'll die if you stay out here. You have to get back to shore."

No kidding, sister.

She looks at me intently, and the storm, the waves, just seem to fade out, disappear from my vision. Her words are all I can hear, "I cannot drag you out. If you want to get to the shore, you will have to do it yourself. I can only guide you there."

In our brief moment of communion, I give my despondent reply; "I don't have the strength to get back, even if you show me the way. I'm already dead, I just can't admit it. It's over."

"GARBAGE! The HELL you are. You have the strength, but if you consider yourself dead, you will be. DAMN YOU, come back to LIFE! COME BACK TO LIFE!"

With this, the quiet interlude over, we are both thrown back into the swirling maelstrom.

Trying to make myself heard over the tempest, "I can't do it. I'm doomed. Leave now and save yourself. Don't die on my behalf."

"I have NO INTENTION of dying here. Do you? You have a choice, you always have choices. At the end of the day, you only have to ask one question: do you want to live or do you want to die?"

She looks at me again, and in her eyes there is the shade of lathed steel, shining blue. Beauty and strength intrinsically wedded together forever.

Moment of truth.

I saw that steel, that strength within her and I couldn't help admiring it, I wished I had such fortitude. Then I embraced the concept, the seeds of steel nestled deep in my soul.

"I want to live"

She smiled tightly, I knew that we were not safe yet

Speaking hesitantly, I requested her help once again. "Please, believe in me. I think, if someone believed in me I could make it to the shore."

She looked at me once again, steel eternal, I felt in awe of such strength. "You are right, if one person believes in you, you will make it. But it doesn't matter a damn whether I believe in you. It only matters that YOU believe in YOU. If you don't believe in yourself, who else will?"

Her words, her power, entered me, a thin lattice of steel strands growing longer and thicker by the moment.

"I am not going to be your strength. You have to be your own strength. If not you, who else?" she repeated.

I could feel the steel creeping through my soul, reinforcing the fragile walls, covering over the gaps and fractures, renewing, making stronger than ever before.

I didn't need anyone to justify my existence. I didn't need to measure myself against any standard. I didn't need to fill some cookie-cutter mold Destiny had decided for me. I was no actor in some cosmic soap opera, playing my part for some unknown audience. There was no such thing as fait accompli, any fate could be altered.

There's nothing here holding me.

I could do anything, the demons of fear, self-pity and apathy faded away as if they were tricks of the light, perhaps they had always been so. There was no reason why I could not survive; there was no reason I could not thrive!

Before I knew, it I could see the shore, white sand against dark waters. The clear night air was cold, I drank deeply of it as it chilled my wet flesh. Gambolling upon dry sand like a child, I turned to see her come out from the water.

The storm had died down and the moon came out, round and radiant, smiling down her blessings upon our survival, our victory.

I catch a proper glimpse of my saviour. I'm stunned, stock-still, speechless.

Her wings unfurl, she leaps upon the night breeze, aloft above me.


My guide, my teacher, my inspiration; an angel. An angel of bright steel, gleaming in the moonlight.

In that moment I knew that I loved her. Not some pathetic co-dependency support group for shattered lives. This was love based upon mutual strength. I saw that love reflected in those steel eyes; reverberating between us, amplifying upon itself; thunder upon thunder.

Feeling a change come over me I saw a sheen speeding across my skin. Strange rippling feeling in my shoulders, bursting free, releasing my own fluttering wings, newly acquired.

I caught the breeze and joined her in the starlit sky, metal upon metal, an air-borne kiss.

The moment seemingly lasted an eternity.

And then my steel slowly faded away, wings abruptly vanishing.

Falling ...

But she caught me, held on to me, gradually lowering us to the ground. She kissed me, cool metal on warm flesh and yet it still was wonderful.

I was not ready yet. But one day I would be.

Cailean Darkwater has written many interesting stories. In her words; "I write many inspiring stories relating to real world events. I am hoping to help people with my stories and make the world a nicer place to live in. If I benefit my world, I benefit as well as everyone else, because it is my world." More of her works can be found at

Artwork by "Rafal Hrynkiewicz a.k.a. McF"-
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