Inspiring stories, short stories, religious stories, christmast stories ....

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Saat kau bangun di pagi hari, Aku memandangmu dan berharap
engkau akan berbicara kepadaKu, walaupun hanya sepatah kata,meminta
pendapatKu atau bersyukur kepadaKu atas sesuatu hal indah yang terjadi di
dalam hidupmu kemarin, tetapi Aku melihat engkau begitu sibuk mempersiapkan
diri untuk pergi bekerja.Aku kembali menanti.

Saat engkau sedang bersiap, Aku tahu akan ada sedikit waktu bagimu untuk
berhenti dan menyapaKu, tetapi engkau terlalu sibuk.

Di satu tempat,engkau duduk di sebuah kursi selama lima belas menit tanpa
melakukan apapun.
Kemudian Aku melihat engkau menggerakkan kakimu. Aku berpikir engkau ingin
berbicara kepadaKu, tetapi engkau berlari ke telepon dan menelepon seorang
teman untuk mendengarkan gosip terbaru. Aku melihatmu ketika engkau pergi
bekerja dan Aku menanti dengan sabar sepanjang hari. Dengan semua
kegiatanmu, Aku berpikir engkau terlalu sibuk untuk mengucapkan sesuatu

Sebelum makan siang Aku melihatmu memandang ke sekeliling, mungkin engkau
merasa malu untuk berbicara kepadaKu, itulah sebabnya mengapa engkau
tidak menundukkan kepalamu. Engkau memandang tiga atau empat meja
disekitarmu dan melihat beberapa temanmu berbicara kepadaKu dengan lembut sebelum mereka makan, tetapi engkau tidak melakukannya.Tidak apa-apa. Masih ada waktu yang tersisa, dan Aku berharap engkau akan berbicara kepadaKu, meskipun saat engkau pulang ke rumah kelihatannya seakan-akan banyak hal yang harus kau kerjakan. Setelah beberapa hal tersebut selesai engkau kerjakan,engkau menyalakan televisi, Aku tidak tahu apakah kau suka menonton televisi atau tidak, hanya saja engkau selalu ke sana dan menghabiskan banyak waktu setiap hari di depannya, tanpa memikirkan apapun hanya menikmati acara yang ditampilkan. Kembali Aku menanti dengan sabar saat engkau menonton TV dan menikmati makananmu tetapi kembali kau tidak
berbicara kepadaKu. Saat tidur Kupikir kau merasa terlalu lelah. Setelah
mengucapkan selamat malam kepada keluargamu, kau melompat ke tempat tidur
dan tertidur tak lama kemudian.

Tidak apa-apa karena mungkin engkau tidak menyadari bahwa
Aku selalu hadir untukmu. Aku telah bersabar lebih lama dari yang kau
sadari. Aku bahkan ingin mengajarkanmu bagaimana bersabar terhadap orang
lain. Aku sangat mengasihimu, setiap hari Aku menantikan sepatah kata, doa
atau pikiran atau syukur dari hatimu.
Baiklah... engkau bangun kembali dan kembali. Aku akan menanti dengan penuh
kasih bahwa hari ini kau akan memberiKu sedikit waktu. Semoga harimu

To Hariady, thanks ya. GBU.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Finding The Blessings

I always loved the story of the Over-Crowded House by Harold Klemp in The Book of ECK Parables, Volume 1. But I did not know I would live it!

In this story a complaining woman is told by the wise man of the village to solve the problem of her crowded house by bringing all the farm animals inside to live with the people. The conditions become so crowded, that when the wise man tells her it is time to take the animals out of the house, she feels blessed. The point is that her life had to be more difficult, before she could appreciate the blessings she had in the first place.

I lived in a big house on the prairie. I fell in love with a wonderful man from New York City and we married.

His whole one-room apartment was smaller than my living room! He had four small closets. One closet had been converted to a kitchen and another into a bathroom. Our deep love for each other helped me disperse most of my possessions and fit into our new life.

New friends told me how lucky I was to have such a large studio apartment. I did not know I was lucky until I saw that their apartments were smaller, more expensive to rent and received less daylight.

Two years later, we not only fit into the apartment, but thanks to my ingenious woodworker husband, we have plenty of room. Our living space is attractive and efficient.

Last summer, I received a new blessing. The adjoining one-room apartment became vacant, and we rented it. Now we have a place to work, read and write articles in the middle of the night, and receive guests.

At first I felt lost with two rooms and wandered inefficiently back and forth. Something I needed was always in the other room.

"Having trouble with this new freedom?" my perceptive husband asked. In fact, I was. And therein was the lesson.

Home is what we make it. And the blessings in our lives are always there. We must recognize them.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Linnie York has lived in a teepee and a penthouse. She has lived at 8,500 feet in Rocky Mountain National Park, in New York City, and on a 27,000 acre ranch in the Southwestern United States. She has owned a weaving shop in Amish Pennsylvania, a small sales organization, taught home school, worked as a nanny, a hospital administrator and home-birthed four children. Throughout all these experiences, she writes in a journal daily and is currently compiling the over 140 journals. Linnie paints, reads and writes voraciously. She is a published poet and artist. She is happily married and enjoys volunteer activities, with Eckankar being the major one.
For more of Linnie and her paintings & writings, please visit

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Champion Ways

“How much further to the waterfall?” the little boy asked.
“Up around the bend, champion,” the old man answered with a chuckle.
“That’s what you said last time, Paw-Paw.” The boy paused. “What’s a champion?”

The old man gazed down upon his grandson before answering.
“A champion is someone who believes they can win and who keeps on trying until they do,” he said.
“You mean champions don’t always win?” the boy queried.
“No, son. Champions don’t always win—but they believe that they can and eventually they do. Most champions lose many times before they win.”

“That sounds hard, Paw-Paw,” the boy remarked.
“Sometimes. You have to grow a champion muscle.” The old man pointed down the path. “Do you see that butterfly?”

“Yes, sir.”
“Where did it come from?”
“From a cocoon,” the boy replied. “You showed me that on the purple butterfly bush.”

“How did it get out?” the old man continued.
“It grew its wings and broke through.” The boy beamed.
“What happened when you helped one of the butterflies break through?” the old man prodded in a soft voice.

The boy’s face dropped. “Its wings weren’t strong enough and it fell to the ground where it died.”
“That’s right. In order to fly, butterflies need to first grow strong.” The old man placed his palm on the boy’s shoulder. “People are the same way. To be a champion, we have to become strong. Usually though, it’s not the actions that need to be strong—it’s the belief.”

”What do you mean, Paw-Paw?” the boy asked.
The old man stopped and bent down to eye level.
“Do you remember when you learned how to ride your bike?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Do you remember how you fell down?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Do you remember how you had cuts and scrapes and had to go get Band-Aids and even cried a few tears?”
“Yes, sir—but not that many,” the boy declared.
“Why did you keep getting up?” The old man pushed.
“Because I knew I could do it,” the boy stated. “If Sammy could do it, then I knew I could, too.”

“That’s right,” the old man nodded. “Sometimes you have to borrow somebody else’s belief until yours becomes strong enough that you don’t need it. You saw Sammy do it and you believed that if he could, so could you.” The old man grinned at the boy. “Was is that hard to get up after you fell?”

“No,” the boy barked.
“Of course not,” the old man affirmed. “It never is if you believe. Champions know that.”

The old man took the boy’s hand and began to stand.
The boy tugged on his finger and held him still. His brown eyes looked straight at the old man. 
“I’m always going to be a champion, Paw-Paw,” the boy declared. “’Cause I can always get up.”
“Yes, you can,” the old man smiled. “Yes, you can.”

That’s A View From The Ridge…

NOTE: This piece was inspired by renowned motivator and master coach John Di Lemme who spends his life bringing out the champion in all of us. To learn more about John’s gift to the world, visit his website at 

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Ridgely began scribbling as soon as his fingers could curl around a pen. So began a love affair, interrupted periodically by schooling, business and any number of self-initiated distractions to mask the fear of pursuing his childhood dream-to be a writer. 
The journey took him through Law School, a number of private companies, going public, a large merger and back to his desk, a computer with a keyboard and the daily challenge of following the dream. 
Along the way, Ridgely founded and/or acted as publisher for Network Marketing Lifestyles magazine, Domain Street magazine and the Upline Journal along with dozens of books, audio and video materials. He writes several books per year, in addition to The Daily Column. 
Ridgely holds an undergraduate degree from The University of Virginia, a law degree from Whittier College School of Law, is fluent in five languages and has spoken to audiences throughout Europe, Southeast Asia, Mexico and North America


Saturday, April 4, 2009


Tidur dgn Lampu Menyala Dpt Meyebabkan Kanker

KIDS who sleep with the light on could risk leukaemia, parents were warned yesterday.
Anak2 yg tidur dgn lampu menyala beresiko mengidap leukemia. Para orangtua diperingatkan kemarin.

Scientists have found the body needs darkness to produce a chemical that fights cancer.
Para ilmuwan menemukan bahwa tubuh perlu suasana gelap dlm menghasilkan zat kimia pelawan kanker.

Even switching the light on for the toilet, staying up late, travelling across time zones, or the light from street lamps can stop enough melatonin
being made, they say.
Bahkan ketika menyalakan lampu toilet, begadang, bepergian melintas zona waktu, lampu2 jalanan dpt menghentikan
produksi zat melatonin.

The body needs the chemical to prevent damage to DNA and its absence stops fatty acids reaching tumours and preventing them growing.
Texas University Prof Russell Reiter, who led the research, said: 'Once you go to bed you should not even switch the light on for a minute.
'Your brain immediately recognises the light as day and melatonin levels drop.'
Tubuh memerlukan zat kimia utk mencegah kerusakan DNA & ketidaan zat tsb menghentikan asam lemak menjadi tumor dan
mencegah pertumbuhannya. Prof. Russle Reiter dr Texas Univ. yg memimpin penelitian tsb mengatakan "Sekali Anda tidur & tidak mematikan
lampu selama 1 menit. Otak Anda segera mendeteksi bahwa lampu menyala seharian & produksi zat melatonin menurun".

Rates of childhood leukaemia have doubled in the past 40 years.
Jumlah anak2 pengidab leukimia menjadi duakali lipat dlm 40 thn terakhir.

About 500 youngsters under 15 are diagnosed with the disease each year and around 100 die. A conference on childhood leukaemia in
London yesterday heard that people were being subjected to more light at night than ever..
Sekitar 500 anakmuda dibawah 15thn didiagnosa menderita penyakit ini pertahun & sekitar 100 orang meninggal.
Sebuah konferensi ttg anak penderita leukimia di adakan di London kemarin menyatakan bhw orang menderita kanker akibat terlalu lama
memakai lampu waktu tidur dimalam hari dibanding dgn yang tidak pernah memakai lampu wkt tidur.

This suppressed the production of melatonin which normally happens between 9pm and 8am.
Hal ini menekan produksi melatonin dmana normalnya terjadi antara jam 9 mlm s/d 8 pagi

Past research has shown those most affected, like shift workers, had higher levels of breast cancer.
Penelitian terdahulu telah menunjukkan bahwa orang2 yg paling mudah terserang adalah mereka pekerja shift lebih beresiko terkena kanker payudara

Blind people, who are not vulnerable to fluctuations of melatonin, have lower rates of cancer, it was found.
Kenyataannya, Orang2 buta tidak rentan thdp melatonin beresiko lebih rendah mengidap kanker.

Parents are advised to use dim red or yellow bulbs if their youngsters are scared of the dark.
Para orang tua disarankan utk menggunakan lbohlam suram warna merah atau kuning jika anak2nya takut pd kegelapan.
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