Inspiring stories, short stories, religious stories, christmast stories ....

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Faith And Prayers

   A spillage of media sadness through images and detailed stories of defects
in human society hit all of us like a flood of tears. We are inundated with
explosions, people hurrying in fear, faces often blood-splashed. And we can
imagine the whine of ambulances in a-frenzy.

These details threaten to overcome our inner strengths, subdue our passion
for living, and the question is- How to protect our loved ones and the
society in which we are so comfortable? Will it require our high tech
capabilities, or Repressive monitoring of our daily movements in society?

In most of Europe, and definitely in North America we have so much largesse
the balance of the world looks to us with envious eyes. And we begin to use
our well-financed armies and technology to secure a screen of false
ointment that really only protects our physical structures.

Within our minds and hearts, we harbor a new fear that what we have become
accustomed to in our lifetime is now threatened by unknown forces and the
faces behind these actions are not only disruptive, but we do not
understand them.

And so these threats continue to leap from the pages of our newspapers
showing colored pictures of devastation through bombs, bullets and the
deliberate cause of unwanted human anguish.

Surely we know building fences, which segregate countries, ie Israel and
Palestine; and the securing of airways at international airports simply
presents morsels of opportunity for those dedicated to roles of violence.

I believe too many individuals, thinking they were suppressed from a
lifetime of opportunity have simply have given up their dreams for societal
change. And I believe we should give some of their children a chance at the
brass ring of life.

Unfortunately, many of their parents have little education and a lifetime
of sad memories. And all that is left is the capture of an occasion, a
brief entrance on the pages of an inky newspaper, moments of rapture such
as the Irish gunmen, Mid-East suicide bombers and others who gave up on
mankind and discussed co-operative gestures.

In the name of Nationalism they seem to feel these highly visible actions
are precious moments of fame as they try to change the world. Sad to say
they do not fully appreciate how much they are really destroying it. And,
too often, innocent civilians are caught up in misjudgments, such as
Afghanistan, Bosnia and the September 11 tragedy in New York City.

Faith is the heartbeat of the world; Religion and Tradition sometimes a
chain not only around our ankles, but may hinder positive relationships.

Can we survive without love for each other regardless of gender, age, color
or background? No! We need Faith & Prayer Houses around the world as
participants with a common mission come together in strength and go on to
present a vision of fellowship in the world.

Something must be done to accomplish a sense of peace in our world.
I believe FAITH & PRAYER are the key to this happening. My thoughts are
designed to place persons with oppositional views in a test situation where
they show a willingness to forsake total personal freedom on behalf of a
security conscious world.

We must look to other avenues than the rush to acquire new toys, electronic
surveillance equipment, increased policing and other modes of questioning
of all who come within their watchful eye.

I am against giving up all freedoms for a more secure world. It is simply a
shame we overreact to the damage being done by a small band of Rebels
intent on promoting their brand of justice. Yes, perhaps there will be a
small sense of security that something is being done mostly for political
gain. This, in my estimation is not a cynical view.

Simply, it is an opinion on the silliness of the modes of security used.
Some brilliant people, with misdirected intelligence, look to the hundreds
of millions of dollars spent as a challenge to their egos. And
unfortunately find ways to overcome these protective shields, in spite of
the myriad of costly surveillance newly imposed on a frightened target

The Model for security I suggest is based on dealing with the root issues.
I suggest the building of, or revamping seven edifice locations throughout
the world, with individual quarters situated around a common eating and
recreational area. Each building should harbor one representative from
seven major cultures in the world.

I truly believe Faith is a knowing and understanding of all things
possible. That a union of voices, humankind’s good will and co-operation
are able to be part of the tune. And the recognition of tremendous
abilities within the human race can be harnessed to achieve team goals.

As an example, this can take place in the setting up of Teaching Schools
situated in strategic areas of low tolerance. Where it is known and fully
understood that color and prejudice presents a problem. This may be in
Northern Canada, Mexico, United States, Soviet Union, Mainland Europe,
England or Africa.

Participants can be selected by a body within the United Nations as a model
for understanding, with curriculum developed to highlight individual
strengths, so they may teach tolerance for each other one day. I believe
forty-nine persons selected be a mixture of men and women not yet in
possession of a high school education, but possess untested capabilities.

They should be persons who hunger for a chance to get ahead and prove
themselves worthwhile citizens in this community of nations.

Prayer is the second foundation stone, which I believe most important in
the development of our ability to protect ourselves without sacrificing all
of our freedoms. After all, isn’t it true each army usually prays to their
God, usually before a most difficult challenge?

This is a most sensitive time when unwanted thoughts are usually erased in
pursuit of a personal bonding with their Creator.

As these selected young people reside in their Faith & Prayer sites they
can become role models for understanding each other. I perceive this
situation is where they give up all their freedoms, since they are now in
isolation from the familiar family and territory in which they were raised.

And hopefully through association, they may soak up the importance within
the lives and culture of each individual who now count as friends. 

Accentuating a developed friendship over a seven-week period, plans may be
formulated to organize the next group of persons. All who complete this
mission can perhaps be offered full scholarships for further learning.

Some may contest my ideas as simplistic, and unworkable. How do they know?
I am a believer in the human soul and its ability to overcome, if the right
reason came along. All the high technology in the world cannot overcome the
human spirit.

The Americans did not subdue the Vietnamese people in their struggle, nor
the Russians break the spirit of resistance in the Afghan people.

Imagine if we could somehow bring together seven peoples from seven
distinct backgrounds, and have them learn from each other? Customs,
language, dress, artifacts and other significant cultural items could be a
part of their Kiosk built within these seven locations.

I do envision these buildings with a central area providing kitchen and
dining, entertainment and general meeting areas, including seven additions
for each participant. All the décor will be designed in their cultures and
provide a showcase for others to witness and enjoy.

There should also be interpreters available to assist and live in each
Faith & Prayer House. And also act as a ‘Mom and Dad’ couple overseeing the
participants in the program who should be between eighteen and twenty-five
years of age. We must begin a program with the ideals of the young.

I know this world has many gifted, and humanistic persons willing to be
part of something as positive and far reaching as this program. And I am
sure they would be delighted to live in and supervise the seven persons.

As to cost: Each country should have benefactors willing to underwrite all
or share in the constructions costs, and provision of food. International
companies should be pleased to assist with educational gifts on behalf of
those successful in completing the full program.

It would not be fair to restrict the movements and future employment of
these graduating candidates, but hopefully they will either remain with the
program in some fashion, or return to their country of origin. And they may
have a good influence on its future. Remember this is a long-term program
and worth the investment and organizing required. A year of planning, one
to build and recruit should be the time period before beginning programs
the third year.

And each candidate should provide a weekly report of their impressions to a
Board of Directors for each of the seven regions. The tiniest ripple in a
body of water does have significance.

Yes, we do have a choice between security and freedom. However I believe
too much security requires an abdication of our rights, and yet too much
freedom allows some to run amuck within the definition of their own
identity. They must not be allowed to hijack our future. And we also must
not allow too restrictive policing harness our own personal growth.

Ideas expressed here, begun on a small scale, can be carefully monitored to
see if this program is worthy of developing into a more meaningful
adventure. As humans we can conquer the moon. What about the earth?

And wouldn’t it be nice, if we did?

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Richard L. Provencher was born September 10th 1942 in Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec, Canada, 650 Km NW of Montreal. Experiences as a Miner, Newspaperman, Welfare Officer, Social Services Administrator, and United Way Executive-Director, combine with a love of Nature to form the basis of his writing. He has many poems and short stories in print and Online in various Canadian, USA and other journals. His Juvenile, Poetry and Short e-Books are online. Richard lives in Truro, Nova Scotia with his wife, Esther. They have four grown children.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Innocent Rabbit And Playful Snake

by Oliver O. Mbamara.

Little-rabbit and Little-snake always met and played at the animal square, but this was without the knowledge of their respective parents. The two friends were very young and knew virtually nothing about the hostile relationship that existed between their families. They had no fear and saw no threat in each. To the little friends, the world was a friendly place full of playful beings with no malice, bitterness, or rancor. As time went on, both the Little-rabbit and the Little-snake got so fond of each other that they always wanted to see each other more often.

As long as Little-snake had her breakfast, she would slither down to the edge of the animal square and send out her beckon call to the Little-rabbit. Once the rabbit heard the call, she would respond and hurry down to the square to meet his good friend Little-snake for another great session of games and play. By the end of each play session, they would have accumulated enough happiness to last them till the next time they would meet. The tradition in the animal kingdom required that after the coming of age ceremony, every mother should take a time out to educate their children who have come of age about certain theories of life. Such theories include those deemed to be essential for survival in the harsh world of animals.

To the surprise of the innocent Little-snake, Little-rabbit was at the top of the list of the things that Mother-snake wanted to talk about to Little-snake. "Do you know that little animal with a corky head and large ears?" Mother-snake asked Little-snake. "Yes, of course," replied Little-snake. "That is rabbit, my very good friend," Little-snake submitted, wondering what Mother-snake had to say. "That friendship must end today," said Mother-snake. "The rabbit is an easy prey, and a good meal for us snakes. In fact, we snakes thrive on eating rabbits," Mother-snake continued. "So, when next you see the rabbit, make sure you kill her and bring her home for us all to dine upon," Mother-snake concluded.

Little-snake tried to explain to her mother that Little-rabbit was such an innocent and harmless good friend, and that it would be very tough for her to kill such a close friend, much more eat her. However, Mother-snake insisted on her point. "It is either you kill the rabbit for food or you starve to death," Mother-snake cautioned. "How did you think I got the food you ate everyday after playing with your friend? I killed other rabbits," Mother-snake continued. "This is the world, and it requires the survival of the fittest, it is the tradition." When Mother-snake was done with her, Little-snake was convinced to kill her friend, the Little-rabbit, when next they met to play.

The next day, after breakfast, Little-snake slithered down to the animal square. Her views about life had been changed by the mother's education on survival. It was painful that she had to kill her friend Little-rabbit, but her mother's warning continued to ring very loudly in her head - "It is either you kill the rabbit for food or you starve to death." To make matters worse, other snakes in Little-snake's family followed her down to the square to make sure she killed Little-rabbit once Little-rabbit showed up for play. However, they kept their distance so that they would not scare Little-rabbit away. It would be Little-snake's first kill, and her family of snakes were ready to celebrate with her or to kill her if she showed signs of weakness or betrayed the family of snakes. When Little-snake got to the animal square, she put out her usual beckon-call for the innocent Little-rabbit. "My good friend rabbit, this is your dear friend Little-snake calling
for you to come out and play," Little-snake shouted, but there was no sign of Little-rabbit. For a moment, all the snakes thought that Little-rabbit would not show, but then something shook the leaves in a nearby shrub. It was Little-rabbit.

Little-snake was sad but relieved to know that Little-rabbit did show up, so she readied herself for the killer-pounce. However, Little-rabbit did not move beyond the shrub where she stood. "What is it, my friend Little-rabbit? Why would you not come closer and into the square?" asked Little-snake. Little-rabbit made sure of her safety distance and then responded from the safety of the shrub. "My good friend Little-snake, my mother has told me the same thing that your mother has told you."

It happened that the night before, while Mother-snake advised Little-snake about life, Mother-rabbit had called Little-rabbit aside to talk to her. Little-snake was at the top of the list on what Mother-rabbit talked about. Mother-rabbit was actually shocked when she learnt that Little-rabbit had been playing with Little-snake, though Little-rabbit insisted that Little-snake was her very good friend. "No snake could be your good friend," Mother-rabbit had cautioned. Little-rabbit was distraught. "I like Little-snake, she is very playful, and I cannot possibly hate her," she had complained. "How can I stop seeing the only person who gives me the greatest happiness?" Little-rabbit had asked her mother. "Do not hate her," Mother-rabbit had answered. "Continue to give her your love, but keep your distance, my child."

Mother-rabbit had then gone on to warn Little-rabbit to stay clear of Little-snake and any other snake of any kind. "This is the world, and you require some wit, and some common sense to survive," she had said. "You must always keep your guard up, because there are those who dwell on the weaker ones. They are always waiting to pounce on you at your weakest moment."

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Oliver Mbamara is an Administrative Law Judge with the State of New York. He is also a filmmaker and a Published Poet and playwright. For more on Oliver, please visit


Dokter Li Feng di Taiwan University Hospital pernah mengidap kanker limpa

Orang yang menderita penyakit yang sama dengan dirinya, ada yang sudah koma, bahkan ada yang sudah meninggal, tapi beliau justru masih hidup dengan sehat. Rahasianya adalah: sama sekali tidak tergantung pada pengobatan, dan setiap hari menjaga kondisi organ tubuhnya, terutama sel - sel tubuhnya.

Oleh karena itu, harus hidup dengan bahagia, mengkonsumsi makanan yang hambar (sederhana), hidup dengan teratur, tidur lebih awal dan bangun lebih pagi, dan secara teratur melakukan meditasi dan olahraga.

Dua motto hidupnya yang terkenal adalah :

"Di saat orang bahagia, sel tubuh sangat sempurna, seperti anak muda yang berusia 18 tahun; di saat orang marah, sel tubuh akan berubah menjadi seperti orang tua yang berusia 80 tahun, lusuh dan mengkerut!"

"Jangan menyiksa sel tubuh kita sendiri; makan berlebihan dan bergadang atau tidak tidur, adalah penyiksaan terhadap sel tubuh!"

Orang-orang yang suka bergadang di kota besar umumnya baru mulai tidur jam 4 pagi, Dokter Li Feng justru sudah bangun. Terlebih dulu meminum segelas air putih, lalu mulai bermeditasi, berolahraga. Setelah makan semangkok bubur 5 jenis padi - padian, jam 7 pagi ia berangkat kerja; setiap malam jam 8 di saat orang kantoran masih sibuk lembur, Dokter Li Feng sudah mulai bermeditasi, dan jam 9 malam waktunya beliau tidur. Makanannya sangat sederhana dan hambar, siang hari makan sayur dan nasi yang dimasak sendiri, makan malam hanya mengkonsumsi sebanyak 1/2 atau 1/3 porsi di siang hari, makanannya sehari - hari adalah sayur - sayuran ditambah dengan padi-padian.

Sulit dibayangkan bahwa 30 tahun yang lalu Dokter Li pernah mengidap kanker limpa, para dokter kanker yang dulu mengobatinya bahkan ada yang telah meninggal dunia, Dokter Li bahkan masih hidup sehat hingga saat ini.

Jika ditanya mengapa, mungkin jawaban yang tepat adalah :
Beliau sekarang hidup dengan "sangat menghargai/menghorm ati sel tubuhnya".

Selama 30 tahun ini, dalam pekerjaannya, Dokter Li melihat hidup mati dan tumbuh kembang sel tubuh manusia lewat mikroskop. Beliau berkata, pada saat orang bahagia, sel tubuh akan semakin sempurna dan bulat, seperti anak muda usia 18 tahun; saat kita marah, sel tubuh akan berubah seperti orang usia 80 tahun, keriput dan menyusut. Lagi pula, sel tubuh yang sehat dengan sel tubuh yang sakit sama sekali berlainan, "sel kanker bentuknya tidak beraturan". Beliau berkata, semakin memahami sel tubuh, semakin dirinya merasa malu karena dulunya pernah memperlakukan sel tubuh dengan tidak baik, hingga akhirnya beliau belajar untuk "menghargai sel tubuh", tubuhnya baru perlahan - lahan membaik. Karena telah hidup bersama dengan sel kanker selama 30 tahun, banyak orang yang datang kepadanya untuk bertukar pengalaman.

Yang dimaksud dengan "menciptakan lingkungan yang baik untuk sel tubuh" sesungguhnya adalah hal yang sudah sering dibicarakan para orang tua --- yakni : Hidup dengan teratur, makan makanan yang sederhana dan hambar, serta berolah raga.

Dengan lever (hepar) sebagai contoh, mengapa setiap hari pukul 11 malam kita diharuskan untuk tidur? Sebab pukul 11 malam hingga pukul 3 dinihari adalah waktu bekerjanya bagi sistem peredaran darah di hati untuk membuang racun.. Dalam keadaan tidur tersebut, tubuh terbaring sempurna, hati akan gepeng merata, sehingga akan dipenuhi dengan darah. Pada waktu itu, hati akan membesar hingga 2 - 3 kali ukuran di saat normal. Jika di malam hari pukul 11 masih tetap duduk atau berdiri, beliau mengatakan, "maka hati akan seperti hati ternak yang dijual di pasar, tidak mengandung cukup darah."

Contoh lain: paru - paru. Paru-paru dapat menampung oksigen sebanyak 6.000 mili kubik udara, namun pada saat duduk di kursi, setiap kali bernafas oksigen yang masuk hanya 1/2 liter saja, berarti cuma seperduabelas kapasitas paru-paru yang terpakai. Manusia masa kini setiap hari hidup dengan duduk di kantor, naik kendaraan, naik lift, dengan kapasitas bernafas hanya sekitar 500 mili - 1 liter saja, sisa kapasitas paru - paru yang ada hanya sebagai cadangan saja. Li Feng berkata, "Ibarat seseorang yang memiliki 12 buah ruangan di rumahnya, tapi karena setiap hari sibuk dengan pekerjaan di luar rumah, begitu pulang ke rumah, yang digunakan hanya satu ruangan saja yaitu ruang tidur." Jika hendak memanfaa tk an setiap rongga di dalam paru - paru, satu - satunya cara adalah berolah raga.

Sebab di saat olahraga keras otot - otot tubuh akan menghabiskan jauh lebih banyak oksigen dari pada kemampuan suplai oksigen yang dimiliki paru-paru, kecepatan bernafas setiap menit akan bertambah 1 kali lipat, dan setiap kali menarik nafas udara yang tersedot ke dalam paru-paru akan bertambah 5 kali lipat, selain itu bernafas dalam2 juga dapat menyebabkan udara memenuhi setiap rongga paru-paru yang biasanya tidak pernah terisi udara.

* * * * *

Bagaimana Cara Pengacara Wen Lu Bing Mengobati Kanker Paru Paru

Tanggal 13 April 2006, di TV diberitakan seorang pengacara bernama Wen Lu Bing, yang kembali menjadi WN Taiwan setelah meninggalkan WN Amerika, divonis mengidap kanker pada tahun 2003 dengan hidup yang diperkirakan hanya tinggal 6 bulan lagi, namun masih hidup tanpa ditemukan sedikit pun sel kanker di tubuhnya.

Beliau berkata bahwa selama 3 tahun ia jarang makan protein (dari daging), dan menggantikannya dengan mengkonsumsi "Sarapan Penawar Racun" (Buah-buahan + sayur-sayuran + umbi-umbian + nasi beras tumbuk yang masih ada sedikit kulit padinya), setiap hari meminum 2.000 CC jus buah-buahan, relaksasi diri, secara ajaib kanker paru-paru pun hilang.

Jenis-jenis Makanan Super Penawar Racun Terbaik :
1. Singkong
2. Kacang Hijau
3. Gandum
4. Ubi
5. Beras Kecil
6. Beras Kasar
7. Kacang Merah
8. Wortel
9. Asparagus
10. Bawang Bombai
11. Akar Teratai
12. Lobak Putih
13. Daun Singkong
14. Daun Wortel
15. Yogurt
16. Cuka

Disamping itu, teman sekelas mantan sekretaris gubernur Huang Shun Xing yang mengidap kanker paru-paru, setelah secara serius menuruti nasihat dari pakar terapi kanker Rumah Sakit Matteus Taiwan , yakni Dokter Lu Ge Ling u tk merubah kebiasaan makannya (yaitu kurangi makanan bersifat asam, ganti dengan makanan yang bersifat basa), setiap hari ia makan Chlorela, minum sup Ling Jiao, berpikir positif, dan setiap hari melakukan olahraga teratur.

* * * * *

Kurangi makanan asam, ganti dengan makanan bersifat basa

1. Makanan asam kuat : kuning telur, keju, kue yang dibuat dari gula putih, atau buah kesemek, telur ikan, ikan kayu, dll.
2. Makanan semi asam : ham, bacon, daging ayam, ikan tuna, daging babi, belut, daging sapi, roti, gandum kecil, mentega, daging kuda, dll.
3. Makanan asam lemah : beras, kacang tanah, bir, arak, tahu goreng, rumput laut, kerang batik, gurita, ikan gabus.
4. Makanan basa lemah : Kacang merah, lobak, apel, bawang bombay , tahu, dll.
5. Makanan semi basa : anggur kering (kismis), kacang besar, wortel, tomat, pisang, jeruk, labu, strawberry, putih telur, sayur asin, lemon, pocai, dll.
6. Makanan basa kuat : anggur, daun teh, wine, tunas rumput laut, rumput laut, dll.

Terutama rumput laut jenis Chlorela alami yang mengandung zat hijau daun yang tinggi, adalah makanan kesehatan bersifat basa yang terbaik, teh jangan dikonsumsi berlebihan, sebaiknya diminum pagi hari.

* * * * *

Marah Gampang Mendatangkan Tumor, Seluruh Dunia Mengetahuinya

Dokter Li Feng dari Taiwan University sembuh sama sekali dari kanker limpa yang dideritanya 30 tahun yang lalu, setiap hari beliau rajin hiking dan membaca kitab, dengan tujuan menghilangkan kepenatan pikirannya.

Sebaliknya seorang teman saya yang menderita depresi divonis mengidap kanker limpa, setelah 11 bulan dirawat di rumah sakit National Taiwan University, ia meninggal dunia. Marah akan mudah terjangkit kanker, seluruh dunia tahu akan hal itu. Universitas Stanford pernah melakukan suatu percobaan, selang pernafasan dimasukkan ke dalam hidung anda lalu anda diminta untuk bernafas seperti biasa, lalu selang itu ditancapkan ke salju.

Jika salju tidak berubah warnanya, itu berarti emosi anda sedang stabil, jika salju semakin memutih, itu berarti anda sedang merasa bersalah, jika salju berubah menjadi ungu, itu berarti anda sedang marah. Salju yang berubah menjadi ungu itu, jika disuntikkan ke dalam tubuh seekor tikus putih, dalam waktu 1-2 menit, tikus itu akan mati. Komposisi salju yang berubah ungu itupun sudah diteliti. Oleh karena itu marah akan membuat seseorang mudah terjangkit kanker, ini adalah masalah yang serius.

Semoga bermanfaat.


Alkisah di sebuah desa, seorang ibu yang sudah tua, hidup berdua dengan anak satu-satunya.

Suaminya sudah lama meninggal karena sakit.

Sang ibu sering kali merasa sedih memikirkan anak satu-satunya.

Anaknya mempunyai tabiat yang sangat buruk yaitu suka  mencuri, berjudi, mengadu ayam dan banyak lagi Ibu itu sering menangis meratapi nasibnya yang malang , Namun ia sering berdoa memohon kepada Tuhan : "Tuhan tolong sadarkan anakku yang kusayangi, supaya tidak berbuat dosa lagi .Aku sudah tua dan ingin menyaksikan dia bertobat sebelum aku mati"

Namun semakin lama si anak semakin larut dengan perbuatan jahatnya, sudah sangat sering ia keluar masuk penjara karena kejahatan yang dilakukannya Suatu hari ia kembali mencuri di rumah penduduk desa, namun malang dia tertangkap Kemudian dia dibawa ke hadapan raja utk diadili dan dijatuhi hukuman pancung

Pengumuman itu diumumkan ke  seluruh desa, hukuman akan dilakukan   keesokan hari di depan rakyat

desa dan tepat pada saat lonceng berdentang menandakan pukul enam pagi Berita hukuman itu sampai ke telinga si ibu dia menangis meratapi anak yang dikasihinya dan berdoa berlutut kepada Tuhan "Tuhan ampuni anak hamba, biarlah hamba yang sudah tua ini yang menanggung dosa nya"

Dengan tertatih tatih dia mendatangi raja dan memohon  supaya anaknya dibebaskan Tapi keputusan sudah bulat,anakknya harus menjalani hukuman Dengan hati hancur, ibu kembali ke rumah Tak hentinya dia berdoa supaya anaknya diampuni, dan akhirnya dia tertidur karena kelelahan Dan dalam mimpinya dia bertemu dengan Tuhan Keesokan harinya, ditempat yang sudah ditentukan, rakyat berbondong2 manyaksikan hukuman tersebut Sang algojo sudah siap dengan pancungnya dan anak sudah pasrah dengan nasibnya Terbayang di matanya wajah ibunya yang sudah tua, dan tanpa terasa ia menangis menyesali perbuatannya Detik-detik yang dinantikan akhirnya tiba Sampai waktu yang ditentukan tiba, lonceng belum juga berdentang sudah lewat lima menit dan suasana mulai berisik, akhirnya petugas yang bertugas membunyikan lonceng datang Ia mengaku heran karena sudah sejak tadi dia menarik tali lonceng tapi suara dentangnya tidak ada Saat mereka semua sedang bingung, tiba2 dari tali lonceng itu mengalir darah Darah itu berasal dari atas tempat di mana lonceng itu  diikat Dengan jantung berdebar2 seluruh rakyat menantikan saat  beberapa orang naik ke atas menyelidiki sumber darah Tahukah anda apa yang terjadi?

Ternyata di dalam lonceng ditemui tubuh si ibu tua dengan kepala hancur berlumuran darah dia memeluk bandul di dalam lonceng yang menyebabkan lonceng tidak berbunyi, dan sebagai gantinya, kepalanya yang terbentur di dinding lonceng Seluruh orang yang menyaksikan kejadian itu tertunduk dan meneteskan air mata Sementara si anak meraung raung memeluk tubuh ibunya yang sudah diturunkan Menyesali dirinya yang selalu menyusahkan ibunya Ternyata malam sebelumnya si ibu dengan susah payah memanjat ke atas dan mengikat dirinya di lonceng Memeluk besi dalam lonceng untuk menghindari hukuman  pancung anaknya Demikianlah sangat jelas kasih seorang ibu utk anaknya Betapapun jahat si anak, ia tetap mengasihi sepenuh hidupnya.

Marilah kita mengasihi orang tua kita masing masing selagi kita masih mampu karena mereka adalah sumber kasih Tuhan bagi kita di dunia ini Sesuatu untuk dijadikan renungan utk kita...

Agar kita selalu mencintai sesuatu yang berharga yang tidak bisa dinilai dengan apapun


There is a story living in us

that speaks of our place in the world

It is a story that invites us to love what we love and simply be ourselves Ambillah waktu untuk berpikir, itu adalah sumber kekuatan Ambillah waktu untuk bermain, itu adalah rahasia dari masa muda yang abadi Ambillah waktu untuk berdoa itu adalah sumber ketenangan Ambillah waktu untuk belajar, itu adalah sumber kebijaksanaan Ambillah waktu untuk mencintai dan dicintai, itu adalah hak istimewa yang diberikan Tuhan Ambillah waktu untuk  bersahabat, itu adalah jalan menuju kebahagiaan Ambillah waktu untuk tertawa, itu adalah musik yang menggetarkan hati Ambillah waktu untuk memberi,itu membuat hidup terasa berarti Ambillah waktu untuk bekerja,itu adalah nilai keberhasilan Ambillah waktu utk beramal,itu adalah kunci utk menuju surga Gunakah waktu sebaik mungkin, karena waktu tidak akan bisa diputar kembali Jika kamu menyayangi Ibumu,"FORWARD" lah cerita ini kepada sahabat-sahabat anda.

SEBERAPA DALAM KAMU MENCINTAI IBUMU ???? mother is the best super hero in the world.

Contributed by:  
Alan Chow

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cowok Jelek VS Cowok Ganteng

Kebanyakan kita mungkin sudah pernah membaca humor ini, menariknya
menurut saya ialah persepsi dan asosiasi jelek dan ganteng seperti  
pada akhirnya (kebetulan juga ditaruh di bagian akhir) tergantung pada persepsi diri kita sendiri dalam memaknai humor ini.

Kalo cowok ganteng berbuat jahat
cewek-cewek bilang: nobodys perfect

kalo cowok jelek berbuat jahat
cewek-cewek bilang:pantesan, tampangnya criminal

kalo cowok ganteng nolongin cewek yang diganggu preman
cewek-cewek bilang: wuih jantan, kayak di filem-filem

kalo cowok jelek nolongin cewek yang diganggu preman
cewek-cewek bilang: pasti premannya temennya dia

Kalo cowok ganteng pendiam
cewek-cewek bilang: woow, cool banget

kalo cowok jelek pendiam
cewek-cewek bilang: ih kuper

kalo cowok ganteng jomblo
cewek-cewek bilang: pasti dia perfeksionis

kalo cowok jelek jomblo
cewek-cewek bilang: sudah jelas, kagak laku

kalo cowok ganteng dapet cewek cantik
cewek-cewek bilang: klop, serasi banget

kalo cowok jelek dapet cewek cantik
cewek-cewek bilang: pasti main dukun

kalo cowok ganteng diputusin cewek
cewek-cewek bilang: jangan sedih, khan masih ada aku

kalo cowok jelek diputusin cewek
cewek-cewek bilang:(terdiam, tapi telunjuknya meliuk-liuk dari atas ke bawah, liat dulu dong bentuknya).. kasian deh loe....

kalo cowok ganteng ngaku indo
cewek-cewek bilang: emang mirip-mirip bule sih

kalo cowok jelek ngaku indo
cewek-cewek bilang: pasti ibunya Jawa bapaknya robot

kalo cowok ganteng penyayang binatang
cewek-cewek bilang: perasaannya halus, penuh cinta kasih

kalo cowok jelek penyayang binatang
cewek-cewek bilang: sesama keluarga emang harus menyayangi.. .

kalo cowok ganteng bawa BMW
cewek-cewek bilang: matching, keren luar dalem

kalo cowok jelek bawa BMW
cewek-cewek bilang: mas majikannya mana?

kalo cowok ganteng males difoto
cewek-cewek bilang: pasti takut fotonya kesebar-sebar

kalo cowok jelek males difoto
cewek-cewek bilang: nggak tega ngeliat hasil cetakannya ya?

kalo cowok ganteng naek motor gede
cewek-cewek bilang: wah kayak lorenzo lamas ......bikin lemas

kalo cowok jelek naek motor gede
cewek-cewek bilang: awas!! Mandragade lewat

kalo cowok ganteng nuangin air ke gelas cewek
cewek-cewek bilang: ini baru cowok gentlemen

kalo cowok jelek nuangin air ke gelas cewek
cewek-cewek bilang: naluri pembantu, emang gitu

kalo cowok ganteng bersedih hati
cewek-cewek bilang: let me be your shoulder to cry on

kalo cowok jelek bersedih hati
cewek-cewek bilang: cengeng amat,laki- laki bukan sih?

Kalo cowok ganteng baca e-mail ini langsung ngaca sambil senyum-senyum kecil, lalu berkata "life is beautiful"

kalo cowok jelek baca e-mail ini,Frustasi, ngambil tali jemuran, Ngalungin dilehernya, trus teriak sekeras-kerasnya HIDUP INI KEJAAAAMMM.. ..!!!

Jadi, Anda merasa Ganteng atau Jelek?

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